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Everything posted by Swellick

  1. Hey guys something to clear up - Villagers do not grow. The cost of the villager is not decreasing food, thats the parents job, you make the parents happy, and the villager is born insantaniously, not growing from child to teen to adult - I agree that is too complex just say thats part of the birthrate - 15 seconds for and adult villager. Av_nefardec, I do fully understand the philosophy started in AoEI that a food and time represent a villager growing to adult and all, but something new needs to happen, I'm sick of *Drony voice* Historically based Real-time strategy game spanning the ages - THEY ALL SAY THAT. Sure they all have different aspects of gameplay, but there needs to be a revolutionary game - like AoEI in its time. Why not do it in 0 A.D. - its the PERFECT testing grounds for the next generation of Real Time Strategy.
  2. Has it ever seemed strange to you that you bought a villager, well - a new dawn has come. Birthrates are the answer, 2 villagers (guy and gal) will under certain conditions* create a new villager every 15 seconds. *1. You set your maximum # of villagers (type in box at the capitol) to a number that you think suitable at the moment ( you can always change it) as villagers mulitply, naturally the brithrate does so as well. 2.Increase in birthrate is done by several methods, but only one condition. is that there is a guy and a gal. 3. If your villagers are in the area effect of a temple birthrates increase 30%- 15 seconds is as high as it gets, 60(and then none) is the worst. 4. At the market there would be a special reasource - wine(for civilized civs) beer for barbarians. Increase in birthrate 30% - cost of one 30 second round is a reasonable price of gold. 5.Victory - death of 20 enemy units increases birthrates by 40%. I know that this is sort-of edging on city building, but it would be more interesting and factual than just buying a person. Questions? Bugs?
  3. I was asked by Dark Angle to "Mske" suggestions - so I give to you an overview. 1.Mapping Suggestion 2.Barbarian Suggestion 3.Economic Idea 4.Birthrates 5.Information screen 6.TRULY unique units 7.Unit Formation 8.Aristocrats - Officers I guess thats all - FOR NOW!!
  4. Are you going to use this suggestion. I'll be sure to post all my ideas!
  5. battles all that other stuff its all OLD it started ages ago, you need to try new stuff - thats my suggestion.
  6. Under threat of being chanted, I have another trivia thread. What civilization was the first in history to use computers? A. Israel B. Japan C. United States D. Great Britian E. France As before 5 posts and then the answer.
  7. No - the (still holding to the example) wood is not valid until the villager drops his wood at a lumber camp, and then when the lumber camp 'fills up'(200 units of wood) a villager in the area walks it to the market - only then is the food valid. If the lumbercamp is raided during the fill up time, then the attackers receive the wood. See, this would allow to 'plunder'.
  8. And the answer IS bum bum bumbum bumm(drumroll) B.Myst Approzimately 5 MILLION copies were sold - multiply that times $30 and you find that they made 150,000,000 million dollars!
  9. Have you ever wanted to TRULY raid an oppponent? Here's my latest idea: At a lumber camp, mining camp, dock, or farm viligers would fill up the production limit at that location - say 200 units of whatever that building is designed to do, and then send via automatical random citizen to the nearest colony center, market or town center the 200 units of reasorses. These reasourses do not belong to you until they are at a Market, colony center, or town center. Also, the market, colony center and town center would not be able to directly accept reasourses. For example: If the lumber camp is destoryed while there is say 153 units of wood the destroyers would instantly get the 153 units of wood. Questions?
  10. I posted this recently at the old fourm, but I wanted to get more feedback in the new fourm. What do you like most about an RTS? Checking out new units, strategy, campaigns modpacks, or anything else you might enjoy - so what is it?
  11. Balance. Barbarians are more famed for looting anyway - not to say that the Romans and 'Civilized' nations didn't do there fair share of looting.
  12. I fully agree that spears and swords should not attack buildings. But what if you could press a loot button(on individual units) for all barbarian civs. This button would allow the unit to attack buildings - but you would lose control of the unit untill whatever it was attacking is destroyed.
  13. What was the most succesful computer game in history: A.Empire Earth B.Myst C.Homeworld D.Age of Empires E.Unreal Tournament Hint: This computer game sold over 4 MILLION copies. I'll post the answer after 5 unique posts.
  14. What do you like most about an RTS? Checking out new units, strategy, modpacks, or anything else you might enjoy - so what is it?
  15. I only play Historically based games..., and perhaps you could make it an option in the random map creation dialog.
  16. Well... okay - perhaps the future will yield better processors to make my idea work.
  17. Glad you like it! No, you wouldn't play against anymore players than normal. It would take a special AI script for you opponents to be able to attack, and run, several maps. Yes, there should be portals from map to map: In each corner, and center edges are portals to the next map over - if a unit walks within 5 tiles of these portals he is transfered to the other map. Confused?
  18. I haven't read ALL the suggestions, so I hope I'm not just repeating another suggestion. I have a mapping idea for absolutly EPIC size: In the bottom UI there would be two mini maps one would be deemed "world map" the other "state map". For every random map game several random maps would be rendered. When you click on the world map you would be redirected to a screen that reveals the entire map(equevilant of 6 gigantic random maps) no units can be seen on this level, only the boarders of the 6 random maps. when you click inside the boarders of one of the random maps(state map), you are then directed to that maps screen. Naturaly this means serios microminding, but each map, when you leave, will have a governor automaticly(AI) in command, when he is being attacked he will send you a chat message, saying wether or not his cohorts can handle the invasion(autocalced sum). Quetions?
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