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Posts posted by Deacon_Raptor

  1. Obviously IPB is going to come up a lot, but the cost is ridiculous. Thats why I say best-around, considering cost-effectiveness. InvisionFree isn't bad really...you can do a LOT of stuff with it. However there are a number of other free/O-S forum softwares out there.


  2. Yeah, sure. I'm just thinking....uh, how easy will it be to add new graphics?

    lol I think we're getting a little off topic but hey, while I got your attention :D

    I'm wondering because in Wc3, I tried (using the editor) to create a completely new 5th civ....and I actually suceeded. The Draenei didn't have very good balance, and so on, but they were a 5th playable civ that I made usin gthe scenario -> unit editor. Biggest problem was I had no idea how to/could not add new graphic stuff....so like the villagers didn't have a build animation, the units looked too similar, etc. (of course, I couldn't create such animations anyways.....but Im trying to make a point here)

  3. Nice...are you guys going to make an editor for that for those of us who aren't skilled in coding? I mean, I'm taking C++ and Microsoft VB this year for school (11th grade homeschool h4x :D) but I doubt even after a full year of it I'll be skilled enough to do something that complex. I have trouble with

    cout<<"Hello world""<<endl;

    [/programming joke]

    But anyways....I'm rambling again =.=

  4. Well, the trick is that the attack on the oil rig came 2 days after some Al-Qaida (sp?) guy said that they should attack Oil rigs, since it is all oil stolen from the Mid East.

    It could very well have been an accident...but I personally lead towards a terrorist attack. It isn't so much a terror stirke though, as just a blatant attack done by terrorists IMO. I mean, it could be co-incidence, but it fits just a little too perfectly IMO.

  5. And that is a good thing, that they kept the Biblical allegory in it. It is such a key part of most of the books, esp. Magician's Nephew, LW&W, and the Last Battle....if they altered it or left it out it woudl not have much of it's power left. It would still be a good story, but there woudln't be anything behind it. That is the way C.S.Lewis wrote it.....a lot of people are complaining about it I guess, but I give them a big thumbs up for doing it the right way. (Note I still havent seen it, nor will I probably see it until it comes out for rent :D)

    Also, Tauren are a race from Warcraft, World of Warcraft, etc. They are basically minotaurs, very shamanistic though.

  6. I read them in the order of the set of them lol....which was not the "proper" order Im afraid. Deosn;t matter to me, I enjoyed them and continue to enjoy them nonetheless lol.

    Question for those who have seen it:

    How does it compare as a book -> movie adaptation to LotR, most specifically with the Fellowship of the Ring (once we saw that we knew what the other two would be like...mostly, so the Fellowship has the greatest impact).

  7. Well, I have been seeing more and more of what he says about the media be true though. Cases in point would include the startling lack of coverage, and lack of accurate coverage, of the fires in France on the media, and also the lack of coverage about how they are developing Ring Mountain behind everyones backs, when it is a enviromental sanctuary.

    The media only carry the stories they want to carry......I dont pay any attention to them anymore.

  8. Lol, good thing probably.

    As for myself, I listen to him for 2 reasons.

    1: He is funny when he rants.

    2: SOME of his views are good. Also, some of them are not...like the deportion of lawyers/arabs. However some of them, such as his views of the corruption of the gov't, are dead on. Also about the war in Iraq. Let's do what we went there to do, finish it, and come home. Let them fight it out...bring our soldiers home, but in a way so that it doesn't appear like we were beaten. Able Danger cover-up is a good example of the gov't corruption, same as with the senators who are taking bribes and are in conspiracies.

    Another of his veiws I agree with are ihs views of the media. Im not saying the part about that they are all liberal scum....I just think they are scum in general.

  9. mm, I use GIMPshop myself....although I have 0 (zero) skill at graphic stuff lol. Which is weird because I am rather artistic IRL (in fact Ive won several awards at our county fair), and I can skin pretty well also.

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