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Everything posted by historic_bruno

  1. One additional issue is that the troublesome DELAYLOAD issue is back, it appears some changes were lost in 9830. (Maybe we need to add a list of exceptions for delayed loading?) Removing openal from the DELAYLOAD options seems to work.
  2. The Spidermonkey build should be fixed now so that it uses a relative path instead of /usr/local/lib (same fix we used for ENet). You'll still have to copy pyrogenesis from the app package to /binaries/system/. In my opinion the package serves no purpose and only makes the build process more complicated by breaking the paths. It's worth looking into for releases if anyone can be bothered.
  3. IMO mines are the rarest and most useful resource on the map and also the most sparse (hardest to find if you don't know where to look). I would have stone mines appear as small greyish rock shapes, and metal mines appear as anvils (should look pretty good even with so few pixels). Trees are very easy to find by comparison. Animals are constantly moving so I would avoid using pixel art for them, it will just be clutter.
  4. This is an interesting idea. Pixel art would certainly convey more information than single colored points, if it's not overused.
  5. I think this is an important point. The pre-rendered textures method sounds like we'd be painting ourselves into a corner, we shouldn't do that unless there's no other choice (mostly for performance reasons, I guess).
  6. On the last mockup, I would change the minimap design a bit. Eventually we are going to have at least 4 buttons (example), in the corners, so there should be room for those. Also I think it would be more aesthetically appealing if the curves on the minimap flowed to the edge of the screen instead of coming back around at the top.
  7. Looks good. In fact all the smoothed lines look about the same to me, with the natural cubic and rounded nonuniform looking best IMO. Maybe do which ever is fastest?
  8. An RPG mod would be almost completely tangential to 0AD because the game play would differ so much from an RTS, it wouldn't be easy to say the least. Technically, it would be possible. I guess the renderer, GUI, pathfinder, hardware abstractions, component system, etc., could be reused. That's possible, we just haven't designed the in-game GUI that way. Someone expressed interest in working on this recently. As far as I know, that is planned for scenarios but will maybe have to wait until we iron out the rest of the gameplay. Impassable terrain can be defined fairly easily in passability classes, depending on what you want to do it may require additional changes to the pathfinder. Sure, most of that stuff is scripted so you could even test changes during a game. We've got a hotkey system. That's already there in the entity templates.
  9. Agreed, it reminds me a bit of the old board game Risk. I'm generally in favor of dynamic gameplay, so that every game is different. I don't think buildings should be drained of HP as a part of territory behavior, like ribez said they could be repaired, but it's not all that realistic anyway. Instead their aura of influence should be slowly diminished (slow enough that it may be preferable to attack the building rather than waiting).
  10. OK, here's a patch (for SVN trunk) that fixes the XCode test project's shell script. VS and XCode need the same path adjustment so I combined the two. cxxtestgen-xcode.patch
  11. Cool, I look forward to your updates. More AIs means more variety, it's great to see so many people working on them
  12. I originally had in mind a more 3D line (raise up off the ground) but your mockup shows the boundaries very distinctly.
  13. Tested your patch on OS X, both gcc and xcode3 projects are working with PCH now That leaves the xcode3 test project, which fails to build: /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/test_Release/test.build/Script-9607AE1010C857E500CD1376.sh: line 58: ../../build/bin/cxxtestgen.pl: No such file or directory
  14. Edit: Philip helped me with some things and it works now! Attaching system_info.txt to verify it does whatever it needs to do. system_info.txt And finally the patch for these changes: cpuid-patch.patch
  15. Honestly, I find it quite a success that the game could be compiled successfully in XCode with just those two changes: build without PCH and manually run nasm! That makes sense because the 64-bit OS X kernel is fairly new, surely they have fixed this for XCode 4? I could buy it from the App Store and see what fun awaits... I wouldn't call replacing XCode's binaries a good solution, maybe there's some setting or path variable we could override to force the newer MacPort nasm, assuming we still need it
  16. Like this? If so, it did compile. static void cpuid(x86_x64_CpuidRegs* regs) { #if HAVE_CPUIDEX cassert(sizeof(regs->eax) == sizeof(int)); cassert(sizeof(*regs) == 4*sizeof(int)); __cpuidex((int*)regs, regs->eax, regs->ecx); #else #define __cpuid(level, index, a, b, c, d) \ __asm__ ("cpuid\n\t" \ : "=a" (a), "=b" (, "=c" ©, "=d" (d) \ : "0" (level), "2" (index)) #endif }
  17. Well this is funny, I ran nasm manually on the command line and then tried building again and it succeeded (using the environment vars from the above error message). I wonder if there's something it doesn't like about the format of that string, maybe extra whitespace somewhere? Or more likely something in the environment that breaks it but what... Ah you're right, but somehow that wasn't updated even though I have the latest revision O.o Umm I'll need a while to digest this, but sure I'll try it
  18. I'm exploring the xcode support (on 10.6.6 OS X). Interesting notes so far: It won't compile with PCH enabled because there's a relative path issue - it can't find precompiled.h so the build fails Running update-workspaces-new.sh using the --without-pch option allows the build to continue source/lib/sysdep/arch/x86_64/topology.cpp fails to compile due to std::bitset not being defined. So I included <bitset> instead of <set> and it compiled, hopefully this works on other platforms? There's a lot of annoying Boost warnings like these, but which don't seem to affect the build: /opt/local/include/boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp:344:0 /opt/local/include/boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp:344:9: warning: "BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_NO_EXPLICIT_TEST_FUNCTION" is not defined /opt/local/include/boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp:357:0 /opt/local/include/boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp:357:9: warning: "BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_NO_WRAPPED_TYPES" is not defined /opt/local/include/boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp:386:0 /opt/local/include/boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp:386:9: warning: "BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_NO_EXPLICIT_TEST_FUNCTION" is not defined /opt/local/include/boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp:459:0 /opt/local/include/boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp:459:8: warning: "BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_NEEDS_TEMPLATE_SFINAE" is not defined /opt/local/include/boost/detail/container_fwd.hpp:71:0 /opt/local/include/boost/detail/container_fwd.hpp:71:9: warning: "BOOST_CLANG" is not defined Next I ran into a few problems: I get a fatal error from nasm about unrecognized output format 'macho64', which is strange but led me to this ticket (I'm running the 64-bit kernel) PhaseScriptExecution ../../../source/lib/sysdep/arch/amd64/amd64_asm.asm cd /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3 setenv ACTION build setenv ALTERNATE_GROUP staff setenv ALTERNATE_MODE u+w,go-w,a+rX setenv ALTERNATE_OWNER ben setenv ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS NO setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DEVELOPER_DIR /AppleInternal/Developer setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR /AppleInternal setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION_DIR /AppleInternal/Documentation setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_LIBRARY_DIR /AppleInternal/Library setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_TOOLS /AppleInternal/Developer/Tools setenv APPLY_RULES_IN_COPY_FILES NO setenv ARCHS x86_64 setenv ARCHS_STANDARD_32_64_BIT "x86_64 i386" setenv ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT i386 setenv ARCHS_STANDARD_64_BIT x86_64 setenv BUILD_COMPONENTS "headers build" setenv BUILD_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/../../../binaries/system setenv BUILD_ROOT /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/../../../binaries/system setenv BUILD_STYLE Release setenv BUILD_VARIANTS normal setenv BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR ../../../binaries/system setenv CACHE_ROOT /var/folders/Zm/ZmwMaQ8yEtKxnaAD0zWSBE+++TI/-Caches-/com.apple.Xcode.501 setenv CCHROOT /var/folders/Zm/ZmwMaQ8yEtKxnaAD0zWSBE+++TI/-Caches-/com.apple.Xcode.501 setenv CHMOD /bin/chmod setenv CHOWN /usr/sbin/chown setenv CLASS_FILE_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/JavaClasses setenv CLEAN_PRECOMPS YES setenv CLONE_HEADERS NO setenv CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH ../../../binaries/system/liblowlevel.a setenv CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED NO setenv COMPOSITE_SDK_DIRS /var/folders/Zm/ZmwMaQ8yEtKxnaAD0zWSBE+++TI/-Caches-/com.apple.Xcode.501/CompositeSDKs setenv CONFIGURATION Release setenv CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR ../../../binaries/system setenv CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release setenv COPYING_PRESERVES_HFS_DATA NO setenv COPY_PHASE_STRIP NO setenv COPY_RESOURCES_FROM_STATIC_FRAMEWORKS YES setenv CP /bin/cp setenv CURRENT_ARCH x86_64 setenv CURRENT_VARIANT normal setenv DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING NO setenv DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES setenv DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT dwarf setenv DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION NO setenv DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING NO setenv DERIVED_FILES_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/DerivedSources setenv DERIVED_FILE_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/DerivedSources setenv DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/DerivedSources setenv DEVELOPER_APPLICATIONS_DIR /Developer/Applications setenv DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin setenv DEVELOPER_DIR /Developer setenv DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR /Developer/Library/Frameworks setenv DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR_QUOTED "\"/Developer/Library/Frameworks\"" setenv DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR /Developer/Library setenv DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR /Developer/SDKs setenv DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DIR /Developer/Tools setenv DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr setenv DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE English setenv DO_HEADER_SCANNING_IN_JAM NO setenv DSTROOT /tmp/lowlevel.dst setenv DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME liblowlevel.a.dSYM setenv DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH ../../../binaries/system setenv ENABLE_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES YES setenv ENABLE_OPENMP_SUPPORT NO setenv EXCLUDED_INSTALLSRC_SUBDIRECTORY_PATTERNS ".svn .git CVS" setenv EXCLUDED_RECURSIVE_SEARCH_PATH_SUBDIRECTORIES "*.nib *.lproj *.framework *.gch (*) CVS .svn .git *.xcodeproj *.xcode *.pbproj *.pbxproj" setenv EXECUTABLE_EXTENSION a setenv EXECUTABLE_NAME liblowlevel.a setenv EXECUTABLE_PATH liblowlevel.a setenv EXECUTABLE_PREFIX lib setenv EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX .a setenv FILE_LIST /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/Objects/LinkFileList setenv FIXED_FILES_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/FixedFiles setenv FRAMEWORK_FLAG_PREFIX -framework setenv FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS "\"../../../binaries/system\" " setenv FRAMEWORK_VERSION A setenv FULL_PRODUCT_NAME liblowlevel.a setenv GCC3_VERSION 3.3 setenv GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD gnu99 setenv GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC NO setenv GCC_ENABLE_SYMBOL_SEPARATION NO setenv GCC_MODEL_TUNING G5 setenv GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL 3 setenv GCC_PFE_FILE_C_DIALECTS "c objective-c c++ objective-c++" setenv GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS "NDEBUG CONFIG_FINAL=1 LIB_STATIC_LINK" setenv GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN NO setenv GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS NO setenv GCC_VERSION 4.2 setenv GCC_VERSION_IDENTIFIER __2 setenv GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE YES setenv GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE YES setenv GENERATE_MASTER_OBJECT_FILE NO setenv GENERATE_PKGINFO_FILE NO setenv GENERATE_PROFILING_CODE NO setenv GID 20 setenv GROUP staff setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_FLAT_ENTRIES_FOR_TARGET_BEING_BUILT YES setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_FRAMEWORK_ENTRIES_FOR_ALL_PRODUCT_TYPES YES setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_NONPUBLIC_NONPRIVATE_HEADERS YES setenv HEADERMAP_INCLUDES_PROJECT_HEADERS YES setenv HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS "\"../../../binaries/system/include\" /usr/X11R6/include/X11 /usr/X11R6/include /usr/include/X11 ../../../source/pch/lowlevel ../../../source ../../../libraries/valgrind/include ../../../libraries/cxxtest/include /opt/local/include" setenv ICONV /usr/bin/iconv setenv INFOPLIST_EXPAND_BUILD_SETTINGS YES setenv INFOPLIST_OUTPUT_FORMAT same-as-input setenv INFOPLIST_PREPROCESS NO setenv INPUT_FILE_BASE amd64_asm setenv INPUT_FILE_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/../../../source/lib/sysdep/arch/amd64 setenv INPUT_FILE_NAME amd64_asm.asm setenv INPUT_FILE_PATH /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/../../../source/lib/sysdep/arch/amd64/amd64_asm.asm setenv INPUT_FILE_REGION_PATH_COMPONENT setenv INPUT_FILE_SUFFIX .asm setenv INSTALL_DIR /tmp/lowlevel.dst/usr/local/lib setenv INSTALL_GROUP staff setenv INSTALL_MODE_FLAG u+w,go-w,a+rX setenv INSTALL_OWNER ben setenv INSTALL_PATH /usr/local/lib setenv INSTALL_ROOT /tmp/lowlevel.dst setenv JAVAC_DEFAULT_FLAGS "-J-Xms64m -J-XX:NewSize=4M -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF8" setenv JAVA_APP_STUB /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub setenv JAVA_ARCHIVE_CLASSES YES setenv JAVA_ARCHIVE_TYPE JAR setenv JAVA_COMPILER /usr/bin/javac setenv JAVA_FRAMEWORK_RESOURCES_DIRS Resources setenv JAVA_JAR_FLAGS cv setenv JAVA_SOURCE_SUBDIR . setenv JAVA_USE_DEPENDENCIES YES setenv JAVA_ZIP_FLAGS -urg setenv JIKES_DEFAULT_FLAGS "+E +OLDCSO" setenv KEEP_PRIVATE_EXTERNS NO setenv LD_GENERATE_MAP_FILE NO setenv LD_MAP_FILE_PATH /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/lowlevel-LinkMap-normal-x86_64.txt setenv LD_OPENMP_FLAGS -fopenmp setenv LEX /Developer/usr/bin/lex setenv LIBRARY_FLAG_NOSPACE YES setenv LIBRARY_FLAG_PREFIX -l setenv LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS "\"../../../binaries/system\" ../../../binaries/system /usr/X11R6/lib /opt/local/lib" setenv LINKER_DISPLAYS_MANGLED_NAMES NO setenv LINK_FILE_LIST_normal_x86_64 /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/lowlevel.LinkFileList setenv LINK_WITH_STANDARD_LIBRARIES YES setenv LOCAL_ADMIN_APPS_DIR /Applications/Utilities setenv LOCAL_APPS_DIR /Applications setenv LOCAL_DEVELOPER_DIR /Library/Developer setenv LOCAL_LIBRARY_DIR /Library setenv MACH_O_TYPE staticlib setenv MAC_OS_X_PRODUCT_BUILD_VERSION 10J567 setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_ACTUAL 1066 setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAJOR 1060 setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MINOR 0606 setenv NATIVE_ARCH i386 setenv NATIVE_ARCH_32_BIT i386 setenv NATIVE_ARCH_64_BIT x86_64 setenv NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL x86_64 setenv NO_COMMON YES setenv OBJECT_FILE_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/Objects setenv OBJECT_FILE_DIR_normal /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/Objects-normal setenv OBJROOT /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release setenv ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH NO setenv OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL 0 setenv OS MACOS setenv OSAC /usr/bin/osacompile setenv OTHER_CFLAGS "-Wno-switch -Wno-reorder -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-parameter -Wredundant-decls -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wundef -fstack-protector-all -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstrict-aliasing -fpch-preprocess -msse -fno-omit-frame-pointer -msse2 -fvisibility=hidden -I/opt/local/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_THREAD_SAFE" setenv OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS "-Wno-switch -Wno-reorder -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wunused-parameter -Wredundant-decls -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wundef -fstack-protector-all -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstrict-aliasing -fpch-preprocess -msse -fno-omit-frame-pointer -msse2 -fvisibility=hidden -I/opt/local/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_THREAD_SAFE" setenv OTHER_INPUT_FILE_FLAGS setenv PACKAGE_TYPE com.apple.package-type.static-library setenv PASCAL_STRINGS YES setenv PATH_PREFIXES_EXCLUDED_FROM_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES "/usr/include /usr/local/include /System/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks /Developer/Headers /Developer/SDKs /Developer/Platforms" setenv PFE_FILE_C_DIALECTS c++ setenv PKGINFO_FILE_PATH /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/PkgInfo setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_APPLICATIONS_DIR /Developer/Applications setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR /Developer/Library setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR /Developer/SDKs setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DIR /Developer/Tools setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr setenv PLATFORM_NAME macosx setenv PLATFORM_PRODUCT_BUILD_VERSION 10M2518 setenv PLIST_FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT same-as-input setenv PREBINDING NO setenv PRECOMPS_INCLUDE_HEADERS_FROM_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR YES setenv PRECOMP_DESTINATION_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/PrefixHeaders setenv PRESERVE_DEAD_CODE_INITS_AND_TERMS NO setenv PRIVATE_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH /usr/local/include setenv PRODUCT_NAME lowlevel setenv PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH setenv PRODUCT_TYPE com.apple.product-type.library.static setenv PROFILING_CODE NO setenv PROJECT lowlevel setenv PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/DerivedSources setenv PROJECT_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3 setenv PROJECT_FILE_PATH /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/lowlevel.xcodeproj setenv PROJECT_NAME lowlevel setenv PROJECT_TEMP_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build setenv PUBLIC_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH /usr/local/include setenv RECURSIVE_SEARCH_PATHS_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS YES setenv REMOVE_CVS_FROM_RESOURCES YES setenv REMOVE_GIT_FROM_RESOURCES YES setenv REMOVE_SVN_FROM_RESOURCES YES setenv REZ_COLLECTOR_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/ResourceManagerResources setenv REZ_EXECUTABLE YES setenv REZ_OBJECTS_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/ResourceManagerResources/Objects setenv REZ_SEARCH_PATHS "\"../../../binaries/system\" " setenv RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER NO setenv SCAN_ALL_SOURCE_FILES_FOR_INCLUDES NO setenv SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/../../../source/lib/sysdep/arch/amd64/amd64_asm.asm setenv SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0 /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/DerivedSources/amd64_asm.o setenv SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_COUNT 1 setenv SDKROOT setenv SDK_PRODUCT_BUILD_VERSION 10J567 setenv SED /usr/bin/sed setenv SEPARATE_STRIP YES setenv SEPARATE_SYMBOL_EDIT NO setenv SET_DIR_MODE_OWNER_GROUP YES setenv SET_FILE_MODE_OWNER_GROUP NO setenv SHARED_DERIVED_FILE_DIR ../../../binaries/system/DerivedSources setenv SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR /var/folders/Zm/ZmwMaQ8yEtKxnaAD0zWSBE+++TI/-Caches-/com.apple.Xcode.501/SharedPrecompiledHeaders setenv SKIP_INSTALL NO setenv SOURCE_ROOT /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3 setenv SRCROOT /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3 setenv STANDARD_C_PLUS_PLUS_LIBRARY_TYPE dynamic setenv STRINGS_FILE_OUTPUT_ENCODING UTF-16 setenv STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT YES setenv STRIP_STYLE debugging setenv SYMBOL_REPOSITORY_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build/SymbolRepositories setenv SYMROOT /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/../../../binaries/system setenv SYSTEM_ADMIN_APPS_DIR /Applications/Utilities setenv SYSTEM_APPS_DIR /Applications setenv SYSTEM_CORE_SERVICES_DIR /System/Library/CoreServices setenv SYSTEM_DEMOS_DIR /Applications/Extras setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_APPS_DIR /Developer/Applications setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DEMOS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Built Examples" setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR /Developer setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DOC_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library" setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_GRAPHICS_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Graphics Tools" setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_JAVA_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Java Tools" setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_PERFORMANCE_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Performance Tools" setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_RELEASENOTES_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes" setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS /Developer/Tools setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DOC_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/documentation/DeveloperTools" setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_RELEASENOTES_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes/DeveloperTools" setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_UTILITIES_DIR /Developer/Applications/Utilities setenv SYSTEM_DOCUMENTATION_DIR /Library/Documentation setenv SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR /System/Library setenv TARGETNAME lowlevel setenv TARGET_BUILD_DIR ../../../binaries/system setenv TARGET_NAME lowlevel setenv TARGET_TEMP_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build setenv TEMP_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build setenv TEMP_FILES_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build setenv TEMP_FILE_DIR /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release/lowlevel.build setenv TEMP_ROOT /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/lowlevel_Release setenv UID 501 setenv UNSTRIPPED_PRODUCT NO setenv USER ben setenv USER_APPS_DIR /Users/ben/Applications setenv USER_LIBRARY_DIR /Users/ben/Library setenv USE_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC YES setenv USE_HEADERMAP YES setenv USE_HEADER_SYMLINKS NO setenv VALIDATE_PRODUCT NO setenv VALID_ARCHS "i386 ppc ppc64 ppc7400 ppc970 x86_64" setenv VERBOSE_PBXCP NO setenv VERSION_INFO_BUILDER ben setenv VERSION_INFO_FILE lowlevel_vers.c setenv VERSION_INFO_STRING "\"@(#)PROGRAM:lowlevel PROJECT:lowlevel-\"" setenv WARNING_CFLAGS -Wall setenv XCODE_APP_SUPPORT_DIR /Developer/Library/Xcode setenv XCODE_PRODUCT_BUILD_VERSION 10M2518 setenv XCODE_VERSION_ACTUAL 0400 setenv XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR 0400 setenv XCODE_VERSION_MINOR 0400 setenv YACC /Developer/usr/bin/yacc /bin/sh -c "nasm -D OS_UNIX=1 -i${INPUT_FILE_DIR}/ -f macho64 ${INPUT_FILE_PATH} -o ${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}/${INPUT_FILE_BASE}.o" nasm: fatal: unrecognised output format `macho64' - use -hf for a list type `nasm -h' for help Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1 I tried upgrading nasm through MacPorts but already have the latest port (2.09.09) In the process I upgraded all outdated ports. Boost was upgraded from @1.46.1_0 to @1.47.0_0 but this seems to have broken the build badly (many errors about random::rand48 being re-declared), so I had to revert back to 1.46. Safe to say, 1.47 should not be used until that's fixed. If you upgrade by accident, try "sudo port activate boost @1.46.1_0" or install it as needed. [*]And finally a linker error due to the above error in liblowlevel (but why would the build process continue?) Ld ../../../binaries/system/pyrogenesis.app/Contents/MacOS/pyrogenesis normal x86_64 cd /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3 /Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.2 -arch x86_64 -L../../../binaries/system -L../../../binaries/system -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L../../../libraries/spidermonkey/lib -L../../../libraries/cxxtest/lib -L../../../libraries/enet/lib -L../../../libraries/valgrind/lib -L../../../libraries/nvtt/lib -L/opt/local/lib -F../../../binaries/system -filelist /Users/ben/0ad/build/workspaces/xcode3/obj/pyrogenesis_Release/pyrogenesis.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/pyrogenesis.LinkFileList -ljpeg -lpng -lz -lmozjs185-ps-release -lvorbisfile -lboost_signals-mt -lboost_filesystem-mt -lboost_system-mt -lenet -lcurl -lnvcore -lnvmath -lnvimage -lnvtt -lpthread -framework OpenGL -L/opt/local/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL -framework Cocoa -L/opt/local/lib -lxml2 -framework OpenAL /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/libmocks_real.a /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/libnetwork.a /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/libsimulation2.a /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/libscriptinterface.a /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/libengine.a /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/libgraphics.a /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/libatlas.a /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/libgui.a /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/liblowlevel.a -o ../../../binaries/system/pyrogenesis.app/Contents/MacOS/pyrogenesis i686-apple-darwin10-g++-4.2.1: /Users/ben/0ad/binaries/system/liblowlevel.a: No such file or directory Command /Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.2 failed with exit code 1
  19. I also think territory "fairness" should not be enforced by the game. In AoK some of the most challenging and fun maps where those where I had poor defense compared to other players, being "dealt a bad hand" so to speak, it made for some very epic games. This is mostly the case with random maps, ours don't have much variation yet but I hope to change that. In scenarios, it should be the map designer's responsibility to consider resource distribution and territory size. I don't know if it will be major, but the AI system can be considered very incomplete and subject to change (I didn't realize how much until I saw the Rootbot project and how it progressed). The main effect on AI in the short term would be slightly restricting where they can build, I guess this will be something like terrain passability which the AI already checks before building, only it may be a distinct concept - I'm not sure how many passability classes the pathfinder supports. Then the higher level goals of e.g. conquering territories, building new civil centres, are already a bit beyond our AIs which it seems use a simple attack/defend strategy. We may be adding diplomacy soon as well, and that will require even bigger changes to AI in my opinion: knowing who to attack, responding to diplomatic changes, giving/receiving tribute, etc.
  20. That sounds like the flank formation, we do have that
  21. Yeah, it was pretty epic, easily one of my favorite game soundtracks along with Myst/Riven Though I have to say, the 0 A.D. soundtrack is coming along quite nicely, and with live instruments!
  22. BMP can be 16-bit, that's a pretty basic format isn't it? The files wouldn't be so large that compression is necessary, after all maps can only be 512x512. Support is a good question, I was using Photoshop CS and even it didn't support 16-bit TIFFs (you can get those when converting a 12 or 14-bit raw format digital image), but GIMP does support them. Not sure about PNGs.
  23. Importing an image as a heightmap sounds very useful and easy to implement. While we're at it, we could add "export" for symmetry. Other applications (not necessarily games) support this and it's fairly intuitive for artists. Of course ideally they wouldn't need this, because Atlas would have most of the useful painting features of a basic image editor, but as an additional capability... Maybe make a Trac ticket for this so it doesn't get buried by other topics?
  24. I think this is a great idea to implement at some point. Another useful concept for random maps is the ecotope, a collection of entities that occur within a given biome according to certain probabilities and constraints, but on a smaller level, say 16x16 tiles. Examples: "temperate forest", "temperate grassland", "tropical forest", "desert plains". The more of these that are defined, the more variation the random maps will have. The basic design would be generating high level strategic elements first (terrain, player positions, etc.), if the map will have multiple biomes do that next, then split the biomes into separate random ecotopes that match their terrain, and then finally place some POGs and other small elements. I like this better than the current piecemeal approach which is slow and hard to understand.
  25. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14918
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