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Everything posted by Matx

  1. I've nothing understood, after the install of the debbuging tool, i had to restart my computer. And now the game leave normally.... :-/ (I've kept the feedback enable) well, I copy paste the output from Windbg, but it's possible there is nothing usefull inside. If the problem re-appear, I will post the output. Thanks. Matx Windbg.txt
  2. No when I leave the game, it exit normally, none freeze, lag. nothing. :-/ yes I have the feedback enable, but I never sent a message. PS: I've forgot to say when I leave the game, on my desktop, the music of the main menue continue thanks a lot for your help! Matx
  3. - kinesis, movement => like this game! - koinê, from greek koinos (common), attica? (french: attique) dialect mixed by Ionic elements, which became the common language of all the Greek world in the hellenistic and Roman period - Korê: Statue of a standing young girl,typical of the archaic greek art - Ksi: 14th letter of the geek alphabet
  4. I'm under W7 64bits. The game exit normally, no error message... I will try your tool! Thanks a lot! Matx [EDIT]This is the screenshot of debug view (because I can't upload the .log file) I've just launched and left the game [/PIAF]
  5. Bonjour à tous, J'ai un petit soucis avec 0AD lorsque je quitte le jeu: le processus "pyrogenesis.exe *32" reste actif... (Cf. image) J'ai essayé d'arrêter ce processus mais rien y fait! Auriez-vous une solution? Hi all, I've a little problem with 0AD when I quit the game: the "pyrogenesis.exe *32" process stay active (Cf. image) I've tried to stop it but it doesn't work! Would you have a solution? Matx.
  6. I would like 0.A.D in french!!! I can (help to) translate to french!
  7. Great idea! Why don't you make this "FAQ" sooner? I wouldn't post a topic on a ever known problem...
  8. Matx

    In Game Lag

    Salut à toi zaphzaph, J'essaierai de passer un de ces quatres, mais je ne garantie rien (de plus je suis un noob encore ) [En] Hello to you zaphzaph I will try to come soon, but I nothing guaranteed ( I'm still a noob ) Still sory for my mistakes...
  9. Dead link I love the game music of 0 A.D, but there is no music folder in the 0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public.zip deleted?
  10. [French] Salut à tous, J'adore ce jeux, vraiment du très beau boulot, continuez comme ça! J'ai remarqué que dans les parties à 3 (ou plus) le jeu lagait vraiment beaucoup sur mon ordinateur (Intel core I7 @ 3.07GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 (Pilotes Graphiques v296.10), 6Go RAM). Je doute que cela vienne de ma configuration car ma carte graphique tourne au minimum et le processeur à ~10%, je vous écris avec le jeu en fond sans aucun soucis... Comment régler le problème? [English] Hi all, I love this game, very nice job, continue like that! I noticed that in game with 3 (and more) computers, it lag really a lot on my computer (Intel core I7 @ 3.07GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 480 [Graphics drivers v296.10], 6Go RAM). I doubt that it comes from my configuration because my graphics card turns at least and the processor about 10%, I write you with the game in background without anybody concerns(marigolds)... How to solve the problem? I'm sorry for the mistakes, English isn't my native language...
  11. Certains ne savent même pas la différence... Dès fois je désespère car les bases du Français ne sont même plus connues! Au fait, comme vous l'aurez remarqué, un Français de plus! Je parle un peu Anglais (mais pas très bien: Bi-cause aïe s'pique véri goude inegliche! M'ail dear), j'ai fais aussi un peu d'Allemand, et du Latin, mais je dois avouer que je suis un peu rouillé!
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