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Monthly Review - May 2005


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This individual has been awarded the following due to outstanding accomplishments as the 0 A.D. Staff Member for the month of May:

Matei Zaharia (aka Matei): Making great strides in the implementation of Random Map Scripting. Matei is building the system from scratch and learning a lot in the process as both xml and javascript are fairly new languages to him. He shows a large amount of creativity and initiative. Thank you, Matei!

This month was kind of a slow month due to it being the end of the school year for a large number of our staff members. It was filled with exams and projects. Yet we still managed to get some things done. Great job, team! Here are some other honourable mentions: Jan Wassenberg (low level coding), Mark Thompson (projectiles), and Damian Kastbauer (sound design document).

Accomplishments for the month of May:

  • Website upgrade for both php and apache
  • Major update to the sound design document
  • Made some great headway on Random Map Scripting implementation
  • Made some design tweaks related to the Civilisation Profiles
  • Updates to the network code for order code and interaction code between players
  • User Interface research
  • Hired a scripter - Mark Strawson (aka Xentelian)
  • Continued work on low level code - in particular: loader, lock-free, and debugging code
  • Implementation of projectiles
  • Implementation of actor animation events
  • Adjustments were made in how animation speed is implemented for the entities
  • Tinkering with the Javascript Virtual File System interface
  • Implementation of random animations
  • Improved texture compression and mipmapping system
  • Improvement of the actor editor and player colour tester tools
  • Textured the 2nd draft of the Hellenes Buildings
  • Assortment of gaia objects created
  • Several history articles added to the website
  • General bug fixing and optimisation
  • A few more helmets were textured

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