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[SOLVED] How to Increase Resistance Upon Ranged Units Obtaining Rank?


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I've been trying to edit the files unit_advanced.json, and unit_elite.json. Specifically these lines:

        { "value": "Resistance/Entity/Damage/Hack", "add": 1, "affects": "Melee" },
        { "value": "Resistance/Entity/Damage/Pierce", "add": 1, "affects": "Melee" },
        { "value": "Resistance/Entity/Damage/Crush", "add": 1, "affects": "Melee" },

What I want is to have the +1 resistance also apply to ranged units. However when I make it so it also gives melee units double the added value. I'm a total noob at this, but I have a suspicion that melee units also count as ranged units perhaps, and that's why the change is applied twice on them? I have tried changing "Melee" to "Melee, Ranged", as well as duplicating all 3 lines and swapping "Melee" with "Ranged", and I end up with the same result of +2 resistance for melee every promotion.

EDIT: I figured it out. It was because I made duplicates of the files as backup. Just adding "BACKUP" at the end of the file name wasn't enough. Sorry for wasting anyone's time!  

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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