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Structures that are both Dropsites and Supply


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I am trying to create extended supply chains to replicate some of my favourite features of other games. As an example, I build a very simple drop site that is effectively just a pile of a specific material (metal, wood, stone) on the ground near to the collection area (trees, rocks, etc). I use the graphics from the "treasures" to represent these such as a pile of stones or wood. I then intend to have a "carter" who can pick up from that drop site and deliver it more efficiently to a storehouse over a longer distance. I have defined new material subtypes in the resource *.json files which reflect their original source location in order to control who can pick it up (e.g. wood.dropsite_wood as opposed to wood.tree). The subtypes are also specific to the material so that the "global" references to subtypes (e.g. when you see something just referring to "ruins") does not pickup a simple "dropsite" type.

I can build the "piles" and drop the resource just fine. However, when I go to collect the resource from the pile the capacity of the carrier is ignored, it just collects everything in the pile in  *multiples* of their maximum capacity for that resource. So, if the resource is "90" and the carrier's capacity is "10", the carrier will iterate the collection 9 times until the whole pile has gone and then walk off to dump it at the storehouse.

I was under the belief that the capacity simply used the major type (e.g. wood and stone, etc.) as the key to the limitation and the ResourceGatherer.js seems to confirm this.

Does anybody have an idea why the capacity limit is being ignored for my new resource type (i.e. wood.dropsite_wood or stone.dropsite_stone)?

The whole point of this is that I intend to amend the "drop" side so that the "amount" attribute of the "pile" gets incremented by the drop amount each time. This then acts as a "buffer" which can be added to and collected from until it really has all gone.

**Forgot to mention... the other point of this that the "piles" are not included in the available resources for building etc. They simply remain equivalent to an environment resource that anybody could start "stealing" from, adding the tactical requirement that the supply chain needs to be protected. Only once the carter has collected the resource and delivered it to the storehouse is it then added into the available resources.

Edited by Grenefolc
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