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Imperium 4


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I just stumbled over some Imperium videos about a possibly new release. In spanish:



It's a small company, so take it with a grain of salt, but seems that the objectives are making another re-release of the game (we're coming to a good RTS revival), fixing bugs, better screen resolutions, some graphic enhancing, and a good support of multiplayer. Maybe steam. They might add some news civs, probably Greeks and Parthians. They are also taking advices from community to make the game

Although the game was very unhistorical, I really enjoyed it.

Edited by av93
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Yes. They didn't have started to marketing it, or they just don't know how to do it and create hype. There's some information in the fx store facebook page in spanish, and 2 community fan made videos of people that have spoke with the main dev.

The plans are rereleasing the 3rd one on steam at the end of the year with udapted resolution, fixed bugs, better multiplayer and gameplay balance, and then release Imperium 4 "Julius Caesar" in 2018, that probably will be just a new campaign with his life, plus 2 new factions or so, with the imperium 3 HD as a base. No new graphics, no new motor.

Don't expect too much for a company that it's in debt. Just hope that it's bug polished



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