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Problem for download the game


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In the first time I'm a french people so I translate in google translator so if my English is not good ...

En français :

voila j'ai un problème a la fin de l'installation du jeu quand je veux lancer le jeux un onglet de crash s'ouvre et il me disent ça

In English :

Here is I have a problem has the end of the installation of the game(set,play) when I want to throw(launch) games(sets) a tab of crash opens and he(it) tell me that

Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error.
Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.
Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x00000008)
Location: unknown:0 (?)
Call stack:
(error while dumping stack: No stack frames found)
errno = 0 (No error reported here)
OS error = 0 (no error code was set)


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Salut The_Green_Arrow,

Même si ton anglais n'est pas bon, celui de Google est probablement moins bon encore ;)

Je suppose que tu as installé la dernière version "stable" depuis play0ad.com ? Si oui, que se passe-t-il quand tu essayes de relancer le jeu ? Est-ce que ça crashe à chaque fois ?


Hey The_Green_Arrow,

Even if your English is not good, Google's one is probably even worse ;)

I assume you installed the last "stable" version from play0ad.com? If it's the case, what happens when you try to launch the game again? Does it crash every time?

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Oui j'ai bien telechargé la dernière version de 0.A.D ,Quand je relance le jeu toujours le même message de crash qui est marque ci dessus , oui sa crash a chaque fois

et j'ai réinstallé le jeux 5 fois

Yes I have insalled the last version stable form 0.A.D , Crash again and again .... :(

And have installed by 5 time 0.A.D

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Could you post the game's logs, i.e. the file C:\Utilisateurs\poste\AppData\Local\0ad\mainlog.html? You may have to make the hidden folders visible to see AppData.

Also, it could be interesting to have system_info.txt also (situated in the same folder).

Thanks in advance!

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You just have to open you html file with a notepad (Bloc-notes) and to copy-paste the whole content in Pastebin.

Then, you click on Submit, and you send here the web address of the page you are on. So everyone can read the content of that file :)

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I took a look at your mainlog but the only useful thing in it is that it fails after the config init.

First, I was wondering why you had entitled this forum topic like this: did you experience problems downloading the game?

I suggest you uninstall the game, and remove entirely the game's folder before reinstalling (maybe it's just a bad install). After uninstalling the game, go to C:\Utilisateurs\poste\AppData\Local\ and remove the folder "0 A.D. alpha" if it's still here. Then try to reinstall and tell us if it worked.

Thanks in advance :)

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