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[RESOLVED] Black screen, looping sound.


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When I play the game, after a while my screen goes black says "Searching for monitor/Can't find monitor"(or something like that) and the 0 A.D. sound goes into a loop. One time I had a movie playing in the background but the sound from that did not loop, it just stopped.

Im on Linux Mint 14 64bit, got nvidia (NVIDIA Driver Version:304.88). Sounds to me like all of a sudden the game makes the PC start searching for another monitor, but that doesnt explain the sound loop.

Oh and I'm playing in windowed mode.

Thanks for your help in advance,


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Just to rule out the obvious things, are you using the most up-to-date drivers for your graphics card? Do you have any other programs running which might cause this to happen? It could be 0 A.D. for all I know, but it just seems weird that it doesn't happen as soon as you start 0 A.D. in that case. (I'm assuming from what you write that you're able to launch the game and then start a match properly and the error only happens once you have been playing for a while?)

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I don't have the most up-to-date drivers for my graphics card, but I can fix that.

And yes, I am able to play for a while. Usually (time-wise) I can manager to gather/build enough to update civic center to third phase, then crash.

Gonna update my driver now and try, thought I dont think it will make much of a difference

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Alright, I installed the newest driver, 331.20. And it still does the black screen.

This time I got the exact thing my monitor was saying "Monitor going to sleep". Computer is still running when it does it btw, it is not shutting down.

Edited by lithdk
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Sounds to me like all of a sudden the game makes the PC start searching for another monitor, but that doesnt explain the sound loop.

The game certainly doesn't search for monitors and even if we wanted, SDL 1.2 has no mechanism for that. To me it sounds like an OS or possibly hardware problem, since turning off monitors is beyond the game's control.

In addition to your graphics drivers, I would make sure your OS and packages are completely up to date.

Do other CPU- and GPU-intensive 3D games seem to work? Even better if you can test one that uses SDL too. I wonder if the GPU overheating could cause something like this, can you monitor its temperature?

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You were probably right about something being out of date.

I just installed Crunchbang instead, got same graphics driver (nvidia 331.20) and apt-pinned 0ad on debian sid to get the latest version. Been playing for an hour+ now and no black screen. GPU temp is the same as it was on Mint.

Never had this problem in other 3D games. Ive played Dungeon Defenders, Oil Rush, Left 4 dead, world of warcraft (wine), counter-strike, trine 2, brütal legend, a few flight simulators and a ton of other games without any problems.

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