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Just a Small Hello

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Getting this game has been long overdue. Heard about it a few years back though maybe it wasn't quite released then.

Have gone off games a little recently, maybe that's after shifting over to a Linux box, but was a massive player of AOE back in the day... I'm looking forward to getting to grips with what 0AD has to offer and helping out the best I can with a grassroots gaming project.

Only started self-studying computer science, so can't really do any beefy tasks, but if there's any advice you could give me on how I can monitor progress here with pieces of code, it would be great to see the process and look at how I can eventually apply what I'm learning. It's probably a lot simpler than it seems.

Also, I'm currently living in Turkey. I know a few Iranians here, so if you need any material for the Persian civ, maybe some recordings or translations, I could rally some people together to help out.

And last but not least. I have nothing but envy and appreciation to everybody involved. It's a real inspiration to see people coming together for such a project. Haven't played the game beyond booting it up and reminding myself how an RTS works again, but it looks absolutely amazing. I was late on the AOE bandwagon and never quite broke through into the upper-echelons of players, so I'm hoping I can get ahead of the pack this time round ;)

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Only started self-studying computer science, so can't really do any beefy tasks, but if there's any advice you could give me on how I can monitor progress here with pieces of code, it would be great to see the process and look at how I can eventually apply what I'm learning. It's probably a lot simpler than it seems.

You can get a top-level view of what is going on by following the Trac timeline: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/timeline

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