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Mouse Pointer Error

General Hannibal

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I've compiled 0AD in MacOSX 10.6 but am having serious errors assigning characters to tasks. Whenever I select a guy (or anything else you can move around and assign tasks to, but for the sake of the argument I'll just say "guy") and try to assign him to harvest metal, food, meat, attack, (or anything else other than "go here") my mouse pointer jumps to the center of the screen every time I mouse over something harvestable/attackable. This means, of course, that when I try to have him harvest a tree, my mouse jumps to the center of the screen, where the tree isn't. I was being attacked by an enemy ship and could not defend myself because the mouse would jump to the center of the screen every time I tried to have my ship attack the enemy.

Any ideas? I am completely deficient regarding programming and geeky knowledge, so just compiling the program was a bit of a challenge for me, even though I had step-by-step instructions. Any help would be appreciated.

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Good to hear that there's someone else to confirm that I'm not crazy! See the ticket here for some details of the same error: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/683

Unfortunately no one has figured out why this happens yet. The good news is that this only occurs when you're in full screen mode. To get into windowed mode, either hit alt+enter while you're in game, or you can manually define the size of the window like this:

  1. Open /0AD/binaries/data/config/default.cfg
  2. Near the top you should find a line that says "windowed = true". Just change this to 'false' instead.
  3. If you want your window to be a bit bigger than it normally is, change the xres and yres settings to suit your preferences. I would strongly recommend you don't change these to be whatever your screen size is when you're in windowed mode. Take at least 100px off of each value or else the dock/header bar will inevitably get in your way and cut things off that you'll need, like the quit button.

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In general it's not a good thing to modify that file, but rather follow the instructions in the file to create a local.cfg (that way you won't get any conflicts if you update the SVN and the default.cfg is updated in SVN, I think it will just not). I'm not sure exactly where the file should go on a Mac though :)

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Good to hear that there's someone else to confirm that I'm not crazy! See the ticket here for some details of the same error: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/683

Unfortunately no one has figured out why this happens yet. The good news is that this only occurs when you're in full screen mode. To get into windowed mode, either hit alt+enter while you're in game, or you can manually define the size of the window like this:

  1. Open /0AD/binaries/data/config/default.cfg
  2. Near the top you should find a line that says "windowed = true". Just change this to 'false' instead.
  3. If you want your window to be a bit bigger than it normally is, change the xres and yres settings to suit your preferences. I would strongly recommend you don't change these to be whatever your screen size is when you're in windowed mode. Take at least 100px off of each value or else the dock/header bar will inevitably get in your way and cut things off that you'll need, like the quit button.

That worked. Although it was odd: the default.cfg said "windowed = false" and I had to change it to "true" for it to load in a windowed form. And alt-enter crashed the app... Nevertheless, it's working now. Thanks!

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