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Suggestion: Flash alternatives for the web page


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From time to time it might be sensible to turn off the flash plug-in for safety reasons, or no flash player is available at all (iPhone, iPad etc.).

Therefore important parts of the layout (slogan!) should have fallback-versions or should use html.

So for example a png for the slogan:


Or an animated gif for 0adtitle.swf, rather than the current jpeg:


Or, since browser support increases, a SMIL-animated SVG version:

zip file containing svg and images

Currently only supported by Safari, Chrome, Opera and Firefox 3.7 alphas, so it's rather something for the future (in 1-2 years or so).

Also, I personally think that 0adwelcome.swf should be replaced by pure HTML, because it acts as navigation menu and neither in gnash nor in swfdec the links are working properly. Without any swf-player it is not visible at all, of cause.

I hope this helps improving the overall look of the webpage on machines without flash,



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Thanks for your good intentions, we are however working on a new website (which won't be using Flash for its design/navigation) and the site in general works fine even without flash (all content is still accessible, and it only looks slightly less attractive), so I doubt it's worth spending the time to make sure it works. But thanks anyways.

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we are however working on a new website (which won't be using Flash for its design/navigation)
That sounds even better.

I saw this nice flash animation on the top of the page and as an SVG freak I just couldn't resist, you know?

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I'm definitely not a fan of Flash (I have plugins disabled entirely in my main browser since they make it a bit slow and unstable) and it's always been dissatisfying to have it on the web site, so replacing it with open standards is good ;). Probably not worthwhile when we're redesigning the site though, as Erik says.

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