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Game not starting after sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade


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I'm on Linux Xubuntu and 0 a.d. was running fine until I just did the sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. The game won't start whatever I'm doing.

- All icons in my launch bar are working just fine, but the one for 0ad
- I clicked on the launcher in the toolbar and nothing happens.
- I checked the path for the launcher and it's: /usr/games/0ad
- I went to that folder and I have two files:
  usr/game/Oad (327bytes)
  usr/game/pyrogenesis (6.0MiB)

- 0ad file contains:

pyrogenesis=$(which pyrogenesis 2> /dev/null)
if [ -x "$pyrogenesis" ] ; then
  "$pyrogenesis" "$@"
elif [ -x /usr/games/pyrogenesis ] ; then
  # Fallback in case /usr/games is not in $PATH; see #679033 and LP: #1380737
  /usr/games/pyrogenesis "$@"
  echo "Error: pyrogenesis not found in ($PATH)"
  exit 1

- I clicked directly on pyrogenesis and nothing happens
- I right-clicked on it then selected "execute" and still nothing.
- In the folder usr/share/applications/ I have the file 0ad.desktop That doesn't work

- The content of 0ad.desktop is:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=0 A.D.
Exec=0ad %F
# Use the most powerful GPU available by default (i.e. a dedicated Nvidia or AMD card instead of the integrated Intel card)
Comment=A real-time strategy game of ancient warfare
Comment[de]=Ein Echtzeitstrategiespiel, das die Kriegsführung der Antike behandelt
Comment[es]=Un juego de estrategia en tiempo real de guerra antigua
Comment[fr]=Un jeu de statégie militaire en temps réel dans l'Antiquité
Comment[it]=Videogioco strategico in tempo reale di guerre antiche
Comment[nl]=Een real-time strategie spel over oorlog van de oudheid
Comment[pl]=Gra strategiczna czasu rzeczywistego  o wojnach starożytnych
Comment[pt_BR]=Um jogo em tempo real de guerra antiga
Comment[ru]=Игра в жанре исторической стратегии в реальном времени
Keywords=RTS;Real-Time Strategy;Economic Simulation Game;History;Warfare;Infantry;Cavalry;Siege Engines;Fortress;Celtics;Hellenes;Athenians;Britons;Carthaginians;Gauls;Iberians;Macedonians;Mauryas;Persians;Ptolemies;Romans;Seleucids;Spartans;

[Desktop Action Atlas]
Name=Atlas Map Editor
Exec=0ad -editor

I checked and don't have the folder ~/.local/share/0ad/ as indicated on the website (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths#Linux). However, I have many 0ad files at ~/.local/share/games/0ad/

I checked and don't have the folder ~/.local/share/0ad/ as indicated on the website (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths#Linux). However, I have many 0ad files at ~/.local/share/games/0ad/

CONFIG ~/.config/0ad/
I have two folders: config and logs. In config I have user.cfg (~/.config/0ad/config/user.cfg). i looked into the file and everything seems perfect. My gamaing name and settings are fine.

What can I do to fix the game??

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Did it and:

TIMER| InitVfs: 818.648 us
FILES| Main log written to '/home/moi/.config/0ad/logs/mainlog.html'
FILES| Interesting log written to '/home/moi/.config/0ad/logs/interestinglog.html'
TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 71.1337 ms
Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft
dbus[5311]: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up: see the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue. (Failed to open "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id": No such file or directory; Failed to open "/etc/machine-id": No such file or directory)
  D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
Aborted (core dumped)

I did some research then ran 


the result showed me a long code, but the game still won't start.

Edited by Diablo
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For future reference, when you get a D-BUS error, simply run this command 

sudo dbus-uuidgen | sudo tee /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

It worked for me and I can now play the game again :) Starting the game from terminal is what led me to find the solution. Big thanks to you Hyperion!

Edited by Diablo
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