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Timeline/Gantt Chart/Obligations Register

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Have all the tasks that are necessary to release the Beta been laid out somewhere? What is the status of organization and distribution of labor? Is there a Gantt chart available for the community?

Is there a timeline that the community can check now and again to get a feel for progress?

An obligations register that lists all the tasks that must yet be accomplished can be made in excel or open office. This can be distributed among any new developers so they know instantly where to focus. Some sort of graphical summary of this obligations register could be made public so the community knows what tasks the developers are working on and how the project is progressing.

I built an Obligations Register for an open source MMORPG I'm working on. It has helped streamline task distribution and makes priorities clear. Do you already have a task list somewhere? I could help manage it.

Edited by Megacles
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Megacles, sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your posting. Excellent topic by the way! :)

Since I joined the development team, I have been monitoring the way things are done to have a better understanding of how WFG works. Much like you, I've noticed a few areas of improvement, and am currently taking steps to resolve those issues. A few of the things I am discussing with the team and will most likely be working on:

Creating a comprehensive list of tasks related to 0 A.D.'s development.

Reorganizing the Track Roadmap & ticket listings.

Creating a Project Management Plan (portions of which might be made publicly available).

I can't really go in to too much detail right now, but if there is interest in some of the behind the scenes work that goes into 0 A.D., I'm sure I can think up a few ways to keep the community informed. :D

Edited by MrChocolateBear
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