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Well the rhumors goin around in the tad and aot community about this game is that it wont be out for like another 3 years.....And with the forum activity here just about absent.....why dont you guys (wfg) do something to revampe the fire in us....you guys seem to be setting your self up for an epic fail....We the forum visotors are you main marketing crew....if you dont supply us with info then you loose....Do you see what i mean....By keeping us in the dark your allowing us to keep our mouths shut when our online freinds say well im going to go buy emire total war....what are we supposed to say about this game...and honestly sc2 comes out im sorry but i might not even be here if i dont hear any info about this game....And for all you people that say sc2 has nothing to do with oad ...well sorry dont want to burst your bubble but it does....It doesnt matter that they deal with 2 different eras ...what matters is that they are in the same class or rts!!! And then you have to think about the future of this game...Will there be any pros...Prolly not A there is no money for them to play pro here... and B sc2 will be where its at....

NOW this all might be able to turn around....If you guys start to inform us on whats going on then i think this game might be able to stand up to sc2 ....But we cant say a darn thing....U havent told us any future release dates....shoot you havent even told us when we could expect a demo.....These are just some of the questions being asked to use when we are talking to our friends and what we just reply with a "i dunno"

So can we please use ur marketing team thats totally free and much more effitient then spending a bagillion dollars on one!!!!!!!

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Well, thanks for your concern :) , but I'm not sure what we can do different from what we're doing at the moment. First and most importantly we don't really need all that much hype at the moment, we don't have a finished game and I'm afraid most of your friends aren't highly skilled programmers with a lot of free time. (If you do have friends who fit that description feel free to send them our way :D ) The main reasons why too much hype is negative are some of the things you've listed in your post. If we don't have anything to provide to people the interest is likely to quickly wane and will not be useful at all regardless of whether or not there are 10 000 people who know about what we do or 1000.

We can't give you any info on release dates because we don't know, we'll of course know when we get close to it, but for now it's too much left to be done for us to be able to estimate. Especially since just about everything is uncertain, not necessarily when it comes to the game (though we've never developed a game before and thus things are new for us in that sense, not everything since we've been working for some years now, but still), but rather when it comes to us. The team. We do have a life apart from WFG, and while we try to put a lot of effort into getting this game closer to being finished it's not like we have all the time in the world. And we do have other interests than 0 A.D. Most important though is that while we might know whether or not we'll spend time on 0 A.D. we have no way to know how much everyone will have a given week and that makes it impossible to estimate a release date. At least for now.

I can tell you this much though, there will not be a demo. As we'll release the game for free there's no need to put up a limited version. However, as we're about to making 0 A.D. open source, there might appear builds which are a snapshot of the game in its current state. That's not something we'll release though, and I doubt many people will spend the time doing that if they don't have the time/skills/interest to join the team right now.

We do want to have some forum activity going though to keep us reminded that there are people out there who want to play the game. So if you have any ideas on how to make things more interesting/lively please tell us.

And one final note about info, what is it you want to know that we don't give you/can give you? There is quite some info on the 0 A.D. website and in the forums. We have a Revision Log on the website where any major additions to the code/art can be seen. We do post new screenshots/other things fairly often (more often on the Moddb site http://www.moddb.com/games/0-ad as we feel that we don't want to ruin the experience for people who don't want to see any spoilers/get too much info before the release. Moddb is a community for modders/developers, so we feel that someone going there can take getting some more indept info).

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