Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post thins,
I've developed a modification to the Petrabot to test my masters thesis project, but I am in desperate need of some more people who can test it by tomorrow (Tuesday 31/05/16). I realize this might have been a bit rushed, but If anyone has the time to run through a few matches of the 0 A.D. today and answer a questionnaire I would really appreciate it.
Here's a link to download my modded version of 0 A.D and the Petrabot. as well as a questionnaire and a set of testing instructions.
Sorry, this build is Windows only, I didn't have time to develop it cross platform.
One again, if you find the time to help me out, I would be extremely appreciative. Please send any questionnaires to 0adMasterThesisTesting@gmail.com.