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  1. First I publish my methodology of work, can be useful for less experienced in the future. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_methodology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_methods Brainstorming Design methodology stresses the use of brainstorming to encourage innovative ideas and collaborative thinking to work through each proposed idea and arrive at the best solution. Meeting the needs and wants of the end user is the most critical concern(Like niektb). 2 Research Design methodology also employs basic research methods, such as analysis and testing. Divergence – Exploring possibilities and constraints of inherited situations by applying critical thinking through qualitative and quantitative research methods to create new understanding (problem space) toward better design solutions. Sustainability – Managing the process of exploring (Alternatives like niektb or other suggested), redefining and prototyping of design solutions continually over time. Articulation - the visual relationship between the parts and the whole.(means the rest of icons and building icons) The benefits of their original work has been abstracted many times over; but in today's design environment, several of their main ideas have been integrated into contemporary design methods: Emphasis on the user Use of basic research methods to validate convictions with fact Use of brainstorming and other related means to break mental patterns and precedent Increased collaborative nature of design with other disciplines. 3.Layout and Sketches A graphic designer may use sketches to explore multiple or complex ideas quickly without the distractions and complications of software. Hand-rendered comps are often used to get approval for an idea execution before a designer invests time to produce finished visuals on a computer or in paste-up. The same thumbnail sketches or rough drafts on paper may be used to rapidly refine and produce the idea on the computer in a hybrid process. This hybrid process is especially useful in logo design where a software learning curve may detract from a creative thought process. The traditional-design/computer-production hybrid process may be used for freeing one's creativity in page layout or image development as well. In the early days of computer publishing, many "traditional" graphic designers relied on computer-savvy production artists to produce their ideas from sketches, without needing to learn the computer skills themselves. 4. Digitalization or Redefine Sketch Mice are not very precise for drawing, so a graphics tablet is an important tool for a digital illustrator, because it allows the user to make a mark easily in any direction, in a way that reflects the natural or "lively" line made by the human hand. In addition to flexibility of movement, an industry-standard digital drawing tablet has a pressure-sensitive surface, allowing the illustrator to make marks that vary from faint to bold, and from thin to broad. These variations mimic traditional wet and dry media. Drawing on a digital drawing tablet starts to feel natural after about a week of practice. A hybrid graphics tablet/screen might be helpful, since the artist can see more accurately where to place strokes in the image, but the hardware is currently much more expensive. Vector Style With vector-based tools, the content is stored digitally as resolution-independent mathematical formulae describing lines (open paths), shapes (closed paths), and color fills, strokes or gradients. Vector paths are constructed of anchor points and path segments by using the pointing device to click and drag. Drawing tools typically create precise lines, shapes and patterns with well-defined edges and are superb for working with complex constructions such as maps and typography. Digital illustrations may include both raster and vector graphics in the same work. A bitmap image file may be saved in a format which embeds a layer of vector information, and vector image file may include imported bitmap images. Important Facts About Design Methodology
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