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Found 2 results

  1. Hi community! This is a mod implementing macro recording. With the Macros mod, a player can: Start recording, with a hotkey. Do some actions. Any action. Stop recording, with the same hotkey. Execute the recorded sequence of actions with a hotkey press, at any time during the game. I see great potential in macros. The more I think about it, the more I find use cases. Therefore, I propose: try the Macros mod, find use cases and share them. There's much space for new features (and you're welcome to suggest); more than that, I'm very interested in the game-changing aspects of macros. Be aware that... This mod executes automated actions. This can be considered as a cheat. When you play a game with this mod, make sure other players are aware you are using this mod and agree. Installation Click here to download the latest release. Install following the official 0 A.D. guide: How to install mods? Alternative downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Contribute The public repository is at this page. Everybody is very welcome to contribute, suggest, fork or simply give feedback. Have fun!
  2. Hello 0 A.D. friends, I have been thinking about the possibility of making a mod implementing macros and came to the conclusion this is feasible, albeit complicated. Despite my good intentions, I will be in shortage of time very soon, and this is the kind of project that takes a while to be developed. Perhaps, this is also the kind of project that triggers the interest of some of you smart guys populating the forum. If so, this is the topic for you. If any of the developers has considered this before, I'd be curious to hear from them. This might not be a new idea after all. This post is organized in sections, so a reader can skip the parts they're not interested in. 1. What are macros? 2. Why do 0 A.D. players need macros? 3. Why macros, when there are mods around? 4. What's the proposal? 5. How can a player define a macro? 6. Implementing macros can be complicated
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