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  1. Because the documentation of the AIs are not so much, i want to create a litte tutorial with the first steps to develop a new AI while i develop my own AI. Execuse me for my english, I am from Germany and my english is not the best. At first you must create the following directory structur in the directory <Install Path>/binaries/data/mods, if it does not exists. <Module Name> simulation ai <Your AI Name> In this directory you add a new file data.json with the following text: { "name": "<AI Name>", "description": "<AI Description>", "moduleName" : "<Module Name>", "constructor": "<The Constructor Method>", "useShared": true } My data.json hast the following content: { "name": "NewAI", "description": "newAI", "moduleName" : "NEWAI", "constructor": "NewAIConstruct", "useShared": true } After this we create a new javascript file _init.js, if you want to use the common-api module (optional), with this module you dont have to develop the AI from low-level. AegisBot use this common-api too. Engine.IncludeModule("common-api"); This line loads the common-api module, which can be founded in the mods/public/public.zip/simulation/ai/common-api, but you dont have to copy this module, the game find this module in the public.zip, which is in this directory by default. After this we create a new javascript file, called as your modulename, e.q. "newAI.js" and must contains the constructor method in an anonymous function, saved in a var. var NEWAI = (function() { var m = {};//an empty object //your code must be placed here //return the module object return m; }()); This constructor method must return the module AI object! ---------------------------------------------------------------- This tutorial hasnt finished yet! I want to edit this post to append new steps.
  2. If i want to develop an new AI, how must i do this? I have seen your little documentation at http://trac.wildfiregames.com, but how can i add the AI to the game? I added an directory simulation/ai/myAI in the directory mods and added a data.json, but why does the game not load the AI, if i want to create a new game? EDIT: It works!
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