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  1. Hi !!! I dont remember if i share this idea before but anyway .. basicaly its to input a campaign mode in multiplayer IDEA : Imagine, 2 players want to recreate an historical war , i.e the punic wars, this game - a campaign - comes with 12 linked scenario games/mission inside (with its starting ressources, cities , and units) .. a bit like single campaign on AoE .. but even more .. In the lobby : 2 good players start a campaign, they open a room . At that point, the campaign start with 2 "emperors" . Each emperor opens some slots to enrole "generals" (not too bad players) , which enrole for their own "commanders" (better not ultra noobs) .. so 3 levels of power. So the campaign can start like a 11 vs 14 players (or even 5 vs 3 vs 12 players if there is 3 empires .. whatever .. if the campaign is " Corsica vs Sardine" it would probably start with 1vs1 and both "emperors" are nothing more than the boss of 2 rival villages ) .. the campaign starts.. - A map : the 2 Emperors see the same map , i.e Europe + north Africa, and its split in many territories (like the board game RISK or the video game DUNE 2000 ) with their respective terrirtory colored. So the 2 Emperors each make a STRATEGIC decision to invade a territory or another one .. or even .. more .. its just a question of investing ressources in a game/mission .. so the emperor can even split all its campaign ressources to invade all the neigbour territory in same time .. but may be silly and useless. On the map , the forces on field will be represented by little figurines like every Emperor like to play with ! - A mission : each mission/battle is a game (like those one know now) with a target (kill all , capture city ...) . The "emperor" will receive the benefit of the mission if won (extra ressources gathered, slaves (captured units) & city captured and survived units .. so he can re-invest this into the next missions and take the right decisions. - After mission : the generals can transmit information to the Emperor by typing it the Roman room (hosted in lobby) and evaluate forces in presence. If the enemy retreat, General say how much units go out of the map and indicate direction. Each General can put figurines on the map so the Emperor has an Idea of the forces in the region or nearby territories. Ennemy Emperor and his Generals are represented by figurines.. like for other informations .. only the players will evaluate the situation. So a evil Emperor will make his ennemy think that he lost all but, he just reatreat all his forces only in a purpose to massive counter-attack in poorely protected territory. So players may collect most information they can to put this information on the Emperor's map after a game in order to give the Emperor best idea of the real situation. - The timing : for emperors, its not real-time playing when its on MAP mode, the results will be displayed only when a game/battle is finished with its results. Each emperor has the power to "PAUSE" the campaign (but not a game !) and resume it later or even 1 week later .. time to discuss with his generals in the lobby-hosted "Rome forum" or "Carthagian Hall" . On the map, the Emperor can see (thx to information given my generals ) if ennemy decided to attack on sides (like Hannibal did) or rather decide to send all his forces towards Capital (like Romans did). So a player can have the duty to build extra walls the more he can (after defeat a nearby gaia civ full of Stone) if the Emperor see on the map huge naval forces naving directly to Carthage. - The players : for sure, AS ITS possible to "pause" a campaign" (so it will be nothing more a saved file on lobby or on HD of the 2 emperors) , any player can let his SLOT and position to another player if he can't play anymore or if he's not in the lobby anymore. A emperor can allow or refuse a new "General" as a "General" can refuse a new "Commander". Exactly like does a HOSTER now - A territory : the whole map are splitted in piece, as said, its a territory for a game . The gaia , will be nothing more than the local civ , so for exemple, Hannibal should know that he will have to fight or ally iberians if he wants to avoid NAVAL with Rome. Rather than having to build whole city from scratch .. An invader will find a couple of cities on the territory , i.e Syracuse (typical greek with some historical monuments ) , and will capture it for its own benefit and ressources. So a typical mission will not start with that 10 mins building phase .. players will find beautifull cities already builded (basically, some typical munuments with some generic stuff around with roads) to capture. But in germany campaings, maybe building new city can occurs .. depends the mission. - Gameplay : the Emperor can move his presence from 1 territory to another NEIGBHOUR territory between each turn of game , so he can take command of a battle if he wants. So the Emperor can swith from MAP mode to MISSION mode (= the battle = the game one play now in 0ad20) . Generals, will be related to a game/battle as the chief of the Commanders on the field. Each Commanders will be a typical player with its own units (exactly like a player in the actual games one have now) and CC's .. The General ( a super player) of the mission can take control of Commanders units , as Emperor can do so if he's on the territory of the running game. AI's PETRA can play a Commander role. - Incarnation : A commander will be a Champion , A general will be a Hero , the Emperor will be God so not incarnated .. but will die (ALL Campaign over !) if he lose a game/ battle while he was on that territory .. so the Emperor will take HUGE risk to take control of a game and losing it rather letting a General do the stuff. If a General dies in a game/mission, the best Commander becomes the General. A General or the Emperor can retreat from a mission/game .. not a Commander . When all Commanders of a territory (those of the loser team of course) die , the mission is over. And the survival General has to recruit new players into the lobby to play next missions. Beside this, seing - Aura : each players can take control of units if its in RANGE aura. A commander (a champion in the game) will put him self into CC to control all units on his CC aura . While go attack , he will have to GO in expedition with units to command them in a limited range. A General ( Hero on in the game) will work the same way but his AURA will be far wider and if all CC of his Commanders are connected ... he can control all the ally CC territory. Each Commander will have his units with its own COLOR, but a General can , at any moment, set units on his own COLOR to take control them . If the Emperor comes into a mission, he will bring his own Imperial Guard to give a hand but can also, as do the General, overtake control on units. - How-to : basically, it will be nothing more than "glueing" traditional games together with long term ressources management through a board map with figurine on it. The game will be micro (like now) and with a new macro aspect (the emperor map) and just let some players over-taking control units on other ally players during the micro. - Contribution : modders can create maps and scenarios. If possible, also short animation between each mission or after the final one . Ie : the fall of Baal statue from a wall , or the incineration of Roman Emperor in the mouth of Baal Statue. - Furter : Recreate the whole 500BC to 0AD period and thus titan campaign with 12 civs and some gaias tribes/civs. Civs will ally each together like a big FFA in order to be ultimate civ but still , like in chess, if emperor dies, the team-civ lose.
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