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  1. Hi everyone, I'm coming to this burning issue, which has been discussed so many times. In a few time you'll be able to see alpha 16, and if you haven't played on svn, you will find a HUGE improvement on techs. I would say by eye that the number of techs were doubled from a15 to a16. And that is good, I love all the news stuff. Now, here are 5 numbers : 33 minutes of game, 20k of food, 20k of wood, 10k of stone and 10k of metal. That's the average of an expansionist player. And of course, all techs researched. Only the paired one didn't allow me to have really all of them. So there is, I think, a problem. Someone shouldn't be able to have all techs so fast in the game (30 minutes), at least in my opinion. Why that ? Because you can't really specialize in one way of playing. You have the eco guy, the rush guy, the defensive one... (eco != defensive, be carefull !) And everyone should be able to get only one fully direction of techs. Let's say that you have 10 military (m), 10 eco (e), 10 defensive (d), 10 find-a-something (f) different techs, and that currently in alpha16, beeing able to research everything takes you 10k of ressources. That's no far from reality, and remember I gather 60k in 33minutes, so that's 17% of my ressources to e able to upgrade everything. My proposition is the following one : go from 17% of all ressources to 100%. What does that mean ? That instead of being able of researching while expanding and fighting, you make a choice between both. For that, 90% of the techs should be as expensive or more than the phase technologies. From the other hand, the effects would be way more powerfull. Want some examples ? Currently : 100wood, +25% in farming rate Epicness : 500wood + 300 food, +50 % farming rate Currently : 100stone, +1 pop per house Epicness : 400wood, 300 stone ,+10 pop per house Currently : 300stone, +2 pop per house Epicness : 1000 wood, 1000 stone, +15% max pop Currently : 100wood, 100 metal, +2 hack attack on skirmishers Epicness : 400 wood, 500 metal, +8 hack attack on skirmishers Currently : 200 wood (I don't remember), +25% of speed for merchants Epicness : 600 foos, 500 wood, +60% of income for merchants Of course, this way it wouldn't be possible to have all technologies. That's a way to introduce some strategy, to know if in this situation you are allowed to spend your ressources on economic researches of you should do more soldiers, meanwhile military techs would give you a huge advantage. There's a need too to have cheap techs as currently, but not so much. Thank you for reading all of this @#$%, And have a A1A day !
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