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  1. Disclaimer : It is important that existing balance changes are not only rated by reading, but by testing. Means: Install and play the balance branch and install and play SVN/A17. The aim of this thread is creating a place where all ideas are merged together so we don't forget any. Also this is the place to vote for those ideas. I'll update this thread as thing goes, and moderate it. What we need for now is the list of all players, so we have a numeric idea on how many people play the balance branch. Please comment below to give me your names. Also we are thinking of launching a tournament so that we can gather interesting feedback. I proposed something similar (but it was only for the devs here : http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19034 and here : http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18484). If you want to say something in this aim that doesn't fit in this thread, just ask me by PM and /or ask me to come on IRC. At the end I plan to have an excel file, becoming bigger with all the ideas then shorter when everything has been voted. Of course I realise that may mean 'A : I want cav to be OP' 'B: Cav should be less OP'. But that will work for other things such as increasing the strength of the ram when units are garisonned in. Or maybe make it a mobile garison like walls. Regards Stan. I don't have access to excel for now so here is the list. I'm basing the popularity of the idea of the proposition on the number of likes of the post -Units garrisoned in batterings ram, should give a bonus: mov speed, damage and atk speed. 1 -Bonus for units in walls. Deals better than unit without protection. (Already In) -Slavery at market by each percentage of units killed. 2 -Make Qarthage be able to train biremes (at least) at the commercial dock. That way it doesn't get bummed over in Island maps. 2 -Make formations more of a Select a bunch of units then "form up" (maybe for flavor one of them get's "promoted" and a bubble appears over his head every time you issue an order. Formations should also disable gathering - to make moving through heavily resourced areas less of a pain.2 -Make ships not take population - but instead make them mobile walls. When in range of a dock (Qarthage's military dock would have a greater range) they can train "marine"(Civilised) or "boarder"(Barbarian) units for the ships. Boarders would be better at melee, where marines would have a ranged attack and melee attack. -Make units like Hastatus Have slowly rechargeable one-time ranged attack when not in melee. Iberians would have it on all their melee units, and have two - instead of one javelin. -Make persian immortals be trained as a toggle. EG: Persian palaces give a slow toggle of resources, yes? make the toggle trade that for immortals instead. -A new special for iberians (that isn't dependant on map makers and isn't ALWAYS deleted immediately at the start of the game) -slavery at market by each percentage of units killed. AoE3 had a building that could train cannons as a trickle so that the only cost was time (it was slow enough to be fair). I don't see why we couldn't do that in our game for some unit. 3 Votes Authorized Members (To get in this list just play) (15 players in total) - AceWild - alpha123 - Altamura - angelogenius - auron2401 - djjunde - Infoman - Itms - Jagster3r21 - LordIgorIIIofKiev - santa - Sanguivorant - Shaken_Vesper - tau - Tux - z
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