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Found 12 results

  1. Anglo Walls Gate with 4 doors animated. 4 banners added, animated. Each Wall has prop points for axe's and Spears stucked in the Wood. Screenshots
  2. Norse defense tower 4 props Mesh redone, only i keep is the concept and the props. the Wood pillars are better organized and more symmetrical. Screenshots Blender file >>Norse Defense Tower[Finalizado].blend<<
  3. All Saints' Church, Brixworth STRUCTURE FINISHED FILES UPLOADED i'm working at this building for the anglo-saxons. Info from wikipedia: "All Saints' Church, Brixworth, in Northamptonshire, is an outstanding example of early Anglo-Saxon architecture in central England. In 1930 Sir Alfred Clapham called it "perhaps the most imposing architectural memorial of the 7th century yet surviving north of the Alps". It is the largest English church that remains substantially as it was in the Anglo-Saxon era." Note: i was thinking on make some graves like the pictures for make it less simple. Screenshots Reference pictures Progress Screnshoot Files Anglo Wonder.7z brixworth.blend
  4. Carolingian Wonder (Cathedral builded by order's of Charlemagne) 11.5k tris Uses the same texture of the Mauryans, Hele 2, and Caro school Note: The window texture was found in the CC page (https://pixabay.com/en/stained-glass-window-cathedral-window-1062777/) it may need be adjusted in the black zone. Screenshots
  5. Norse Barracks Props weapons added Bow animated (Thanks to @stanislas69) Sword sheaths + seax sheath Battleground outside Mesh reworked screenshots Weapons Props Norse Barracks + Weapons + Sheaths.7z
  6. Norse walls Full wood 2 Models for the tower (i'll go for the one with roof) Gate will be uploaded soon Screenshots Tower models Blender file >>Norse Wall Whitout slope [Finalizado].blend<< @niektb wich tower for the walls should be used ?
  7. Fishing ship and Fisherman AnimatedFishing Ship for norse Civilization Same fishing boat. Animated sail. Animation for idle and walk. If the ship already gathered some fish, it will spawn a basket with fish inside. Fisherman added. Fisherman idle, gather fish. Screenshots Idle Walk Fisherman
  8. Norse Longhouse 2 roofs variants Screenshots Aotextures Blender file >>Norse longhouse [Finalizado].blend<<
  9. Houses with fences 3 Fences models Screenshots Zip file. Norse Hosue + Fences.7z
  10. Anglo Storehouse Basic mesh for anglo faction, so they use there own achitecture. Screenshots Zip file. Anglo Storehouse.7z
  11. Private Fortification (Fortress) Unique faction building Bigger fortress 3 Variants Screenshots Variant A Variant B Variant C Reference Zip File. Anglo Fortress.7z
  12. Longship Animations Gif's Idle walk Attack Ranged The three nordic ships use the same skeleton and animations. Idle (ignore the viking turning around) Walk Attack Ranged
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