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Posts posted by dementor

  1. I have thought of an idea that will help the map editor(well sorta)

    Basically I get a group of people that will create a scenario with a storyline and we ask the programmers to add triggers/conditions as we need them so ya...

    if you like this idea say so if not say so :)

    if ya dont like the idea say so :D

    if ya wanna help create the map say so

    here is the basic storyline

    youre a viking near rome

    and have always wanted to take over some provinces

    but you are banished from your tribe one day because the shaman predicted that you would lead all he tribes one day and the leaders fear you but others respect you and dont want you killed

    and you go from viking village to others uniting them(or taking them over)

    when you have enough power you try to take over italy and rome and its provinces(preferably the provinces first)

    good idea?

  2. personaly i think we should have some campaigns (i dont care what there about), a tutorial, and a rpg because i love them and rts and i hate it were you have to download them from the internet(cause of viruses) and you might have to build them yourself(takes a long time)just an idea

  3. Is there gonna be any cheats cause almost every game has cheats? heres a possible list of say something then what happens and give me some more cheat ideas

    Its a me mario-A huge mario comes out of your town center and attacks people by jumping on them

    vroom vroom vroom-a cobra comes out of ur tc (simular to aok)

    paul bunyon-get 1000 wood

    unubtaniam-get 1000 metal (remember from avatar the metal)

    omnomnom-get 1000 food

    im a noob-kill everyone but you

    what does this button do?-makes all your enemies buildings explode

    [HACK_POWERS_ACTIVATE]-can control your enemies

    einstien knows all-get einstien unit and everything is built super duper fast

    emo-whenever your units attack they hurt them selves

    argonaut-reaveals all water

    wololo-what ever it does in aok

    : )-gets a smily face like this ;) and it does nothing

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