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Everything posted by comp3820

  1. Windows Vista dual with ubuntu (2) Kubuntu (1) I hope to be getting Windows 7 soon, to replace the Vistas
  2. Wow! This a great list! I think I'm going to bookmark this page for when I'm bored. I might actually try the columns next. If I'm correct, there are multiple types of columns, with fancy names that people besides me might remember. Are multiple columns worth the effort?
  3. I made a city in Atlas, but after taking a few screenshots I lost the camera. And I mean I lost it good. All I can see is turquoise, no matter which way I turn. I know there is a reset button under the cinematics tab, but it hasn't worked for me. Is there any other way to reset the camera? Also, how does that Screenshots hack work? I've just been hitting "Print Screen." http://lh3.ggpht.com/_rkVj2aF0SAM/TH7qug4O...A/s640/0ad1.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/_rkVj2aF0SAM/TH7quhwc...A/s640/0ad2.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_rkVj2aF0SAM/TH7qu5tc...s/s640/0ad3.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_rkVj2aF0SAM/TH7qu4O5...I/s640/0ad4.jpg
  4. I know this is a slightly drastic change from the current state of the game, but what if the player designated storehouses for supplies. When the storehouses are destroyed, the player would lose the resources. It would definitely be more complicated, but it would add a realistic tactical side to where you place your buildings, and the importance you put on your storage sites. Stronghold has this, except that you can only build one granary. With the option to store food and other resources in multiple places, you could add that "spoils of war" idea in nicely.
  5. I went back to the file to check on the vertices again and it was gone. So I remade it. And now I have 34 vertices. I think I messed up the unwrapping last time, because the UV view showed some extra sections that shouldn't have been there. Is there an updated list of objects to be made? I know a number of the ones on the third page of this thread are already in the editor.
  6. Ok, after learning a few new things and having lots of fun, I made another barrel. Incidentally, its harder to make a low quality barrel than a high quality one. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_rkVj2aF0SAM/TH22uBLv...el%20render.jpg I think I'll do what you suggested and combined several textures into one texture file after making a few objects, so I won't upload anything now. Unless, of course, there is an urgent need for an all-important barrel. By the way, this version of the barrel is 117 faces and 100 vertices. (I won't eve comment on how many the last one had.) Where it gets 100 vertices from is beyond me - I count 34. Does it possibly add vertices when you UV map it? or, maybe, when you mess up UV mapping it?
  7. Ok, so I've randomly made a barrel. I just took a cylinder and made it somewhat bulged, and added some rings and a texture. I haven't checked for scale or anything, but something tells me that there are a lot of vertices in this barrel, especially since it would be such a small part of the game. So, a couple more questions: Is there a limit on the number of vertices? or polygons, as I see other people mentioning? Where should I host something like this? I've hosted the picture on Picasa, but I'm not sure where I could host a file - do Google, Yahoo, or MS have anything like this, or do I need to get an account at a site like megaupload or whatever?
  8. What are the requirements if we were to make models of some of these things? For instance, I can make things in blender, but I don't know about how to make it the right size (can you just scale things afterwards?), how to export to .cae, where to upload for review, or what textures to use. Is it safe to assume that if I randomly make an object in blender it will be compatible with 0ad after a few revisions?
  9. I definitely like the idea of horses being separate from guys. It might make the game more complicated, but much more realistic - you could have the units dismount while waiting, or even tether their horses (maybe even allowing the horses to be stolen or stampeded?). It would go along with the idea of a more versatile unit, which can build, gather units, and procure its own transportation.
  10. <---Insert New Idea---> I don't know if this had been suggested already, but I didn't see it when I skimmed through a couple pages of this thread. I was thinking about a map-based campaign, where the player is allowed to make a lot more decisions in the campaign (is non-linear a good word for it?). For instance, a large map with Carthage on one side and Rome on the other. You are Hannibal, and you need to get to Rome. Now, this large map wouldn't be playable - it would be divided into smaller, playable "tiles". You would start in control of the Carthage tile, and click on an adjacent tile to start a game there. If you win that game, you get that tile on the large map, and you move on to another tile (your choice). I imagine you could include quite a few minor tribes in between Carthage and Rome. The free style of the campaign could allow resource/troop transfers from one tile to another, and/or the loss of Carthaginian support while Hannibal is in Rome. Resources would be measured by tile, but you could also see on the large map how much of each resource total you have. I don't know if any of you have ever played Stronghold, but it has a campaign somewhat like that, except that you can't choose which tile you are going to next, so it is still a linear campaign. A better comparison might be Risk, except that you fight the battles for the territories. I like (or would like, I guess) this style of campaign because it allows much broader decisions to be made - go through Spain to Rome, or by boat? Spend lots of time in Carthage, garnering support (troops and supplies) or hope you can forage on the way? I'm not completely familiar with Hannibal's conquest of Rome, but I'm sure there were other direction he could have gone besides across the Alps.
  11. You could tailor the breeding/egg gathering towards a "boom" style gameplay for those of us who like to build strong economies before attacking. For instance, you could task one person to a corral to take care of breeding, and have food trickle in from eggs, milk, cheese, etc. Then over time, as breeding methods get better, the food trickle would increase. This would reward people for starting early with breeding. Kind of like an investment for later in the game.
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