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Everything posted by RomanWarrior92

  1. USA??? The Europeans started colonising the Americas in the 16th century. Or... you mean the Northern-American Indians, like the Sioux, Apachians, Iroquis? Andway. your preposal is good.
  2. Does it contain the Chinese? Japanese? Indians? Koreans? Native Americans?
  3. I don't think that different parts would make sense.... just include theese civs: European: -The Romans -The Greeks/Hellenes -The Celts -The Iberians -The Germancs??? -The Slavs??? Near-Eastern: -The Persians -The Carthaginians -The Semites/Israelites/Jews/Ghassanids/Arabs??? -The Berbers??? Far-Eastern: -The Huns??? -The Chinese??? -The Japanese??? -The Koreans??? -The Indians??? American Indian: They have no cavalry at all. -The Nahuas (the anchestors of the Aztecs.The lived in North America in 0 AD, and they started migrating to Mexico in the 6th century.) -The Mayas (From Wikipedia: the first clearly “Maya” settlements were established in approximately 1800 BC in Soconusco region of the Pacific Coast. The first written inscription in Maya hieroglyphics also dates to this period c. 250 BC) -The Iroquis? The Sioux? Sorry, I don't know anything about the Native Americans (other than Mayas) in the Classical Antiquity. My idea is that the best would be to have just ONE Roman civilization, which represent all of the Romans: the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.
  4. My humble suggestion to this promising and awesome-sounding game would be to include the Americas... the Mesoamerican civs, and some Asian ones, too. I know I know - it would be historically incorrect if the Romans encountered the.... Aztecs, Incas or Mayans, or I don't know. But think about the possibilities of an Alternate History - what if the Romans colonised the Americas? Would have that saved the Empire and made it immortal? Or not.... I don't know, I'm just so addicted to the "Ancient Romans discovering the Americas" alternate stories. It would be also nice to include some Asian civilizations: the Huns, the Chinese (Han Dynasty? Xin Dynasty?), or even the Koreans (Three Kingdoms: 57 BC – 668 AD), Japanese (Yayoi period: 300 BC–250 AD).... It would be realy nice to see Mediterran (Ancient Roman, Hellenistic Greek), "barbarian" European (Franks, Saxons, Goths, Vandals), Asian (Huns, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, maybe Indian) and Mesoamerican civilizations in one game. So it would create ENDLESS possibilities for alternate histories. It would be AWESOME to see Romans waging war on Incas/Mayas/Aczecs, Aztecs invading Britain, Persians/Carthagians/Iberians/Celts conquering the Americas, the Japanese becoming big power, etc. etc.
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