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Everything posted by BF_Tanks

  1. Nowadays we use a powerful tool called the Advanced Genie Editor 2. The things we can do with it are only ever really limited to our imagination and the hard-coding of the game. When you say "take all the .drs files from a 32 bit install and copy them into a 64 bit install", do you mean having the mod loaded with MPS then permenantly installed, and just using those .drs files? The way I'd make RaW into a useable-by-64bit version would be to take all the individual .slp files and add them to the gamedata or graphics.drs files. I believe Mod Pack Studio pretty much does this. It injects the new .slp's temporarily into the .drs, but keeps everything clean in one file. The thing is that Mod Pack Studio doesn't install on 64-bit operating systems like Windows 7, so some people are missing out on the great mod. The "64-bit" RaW would have more files and the installation process would be different to using MPS, of course - though we're only talking a couple more files at best. The modified Data (empires2_x1_p1/empires2_x1 for non-C patch) file and the modified .DRS file that would have all of the new SLPs added to it (It wouldn't be that big, either. We can use Gamedata_x1_p1.drs, as it's a smaller file and any slps in there will be loaded. An example of this is in the Graphics.drs file there's SLPs of an old, chunkier looking Turtle Ship, and in the Gamedata file there are the graphics we see today - and they are the same .slp number, so one can only assume that anything in Gamedata_x1_p1 overwrites whatever is in Graphics.drs). Installing a mod using this method isn't as safe as using MPS, though - There's the risk of making the mod permenantly installed if you forget to backup the original files. Support me? I once had a Donations box when I was working on a large-scale project, though it never got used. I never even encouraged anyone to donate, really. I was never too fussed by it. But what is a Flattr-button?
  2. Hello, Don't know if this is the right place to post, but here goes - I'm BF_Tanks, A reasonably-well respected map designer, modder and member of Black Forest Studios - Over at Age of Kings Heaven. It's dawned on me that Rome at War is still a popular mod, even with non-AoKH members of the Age of Empires community (Mostly with people on ModDB, GameRanger and even some on Voobly). However, Due to my status as a large-scale mod maker, I've had a few requests from people asking me if I could make a version of the mod that is useable by 64-Bit Windows users - who don't want to go through the hassle of setting up Virtual OS' for running Mod Pack Studio (Because it only works on 16-bit/32-bit OS'). I, myself, think this would be a great idea - and easily done, too. Though it would require the .SLP files which would be imported into .Drs files and then having magic worked with AGE2 to get them working brilliantly in the game. Would something like this be a possibility to consider for you guys? Not offering to do it myself, unless asked. I'm merely suggesting. I want to also ask if, at all, I can use SLPs myself for an upcoming Scenario Editor enhancement mod. (The successor of Enhanced Eye-Candy Editor v1)
  3. Hello all, I'm a renowned guy from AoKHeavengames, came to check out how 0 A.D is going and put in my application. Whilst I do that, I'm
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