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Posts posted by Oberinjenkai

  1. Sorry everyone I have been gone from my darling computer and I couldn't post here. Anyway I don't really like italian food since when I was eating Italian food last I threw up 4 times in one day of course they weren't in a row but yeah thats what happened. You might think it was food poisoning but i thought that too until I had more italian food later that year at a different place. Up chuck at the resteraunt that time.

    to the forums! enjoy your stay. By the way you said you hated your sisters well does that mean you hate girls?

    No I just hate my sisters. They're a pain in the 455. Anyway you don't have to worry bakayaro my sister hate forums. They're more into the instant messange thing like yahoo. Even thought I hate my sisters that doesn't mean I don't like girls I just think girls are mean and I don't want to get married unless shes an anime lover, game lover(Final Fantasy of course), bubbly and sexy. That is the perfect wife in my eyes but since i probably won't find her, I won't get married.

  2. Its about Final Fantasy. I wanted to see if anyone else plays it other than me. I've played every game that has Final Fantasy in the name so there. B) Anyway just one of those just wanted to know kind of things and if anyone has ever played the game i need to talk statitistics. Until next time,後で会おう

  3. Hi everyone, I'm Oberinjenkai. I found this message board from my friends - Dnas and I_Would_Say. Here is some info about me wether any of you want it or not.

    Name: Clayton


    Hobbies: Love to play Final Fantasy, so if there is any staff job involoving playing Final Fantasy 24/7, I'll take it. I love anything Japanese especially Anime I'll take the jobs for anime too, and some other stuf but I'm too lazy to do anything about it. Oh BTW I_Would_Say, aka Nathan is awesome. David isn't bad either, but Nathan is the best dang historian there is except for Paal_101. David couldn't make a historian if he wanted too.

    Dislikes: people that are racist and don't know it.(for example: people who hate anime, just kidding.:P) My sisters, and Italian food.

    Information: I hate my sisters and Italian food. I forgot what else I was going to say. Anyway Hi everybody!!

    PS: You may think I am a n00b because I am new on this forum, but I am lead posters in the other sixteen forums I am registered.

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