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Tiro (1/14)



  1. Performance very good running on Windows 7 64bit with CPU (4-core 4Ghz) and fast GPU (Nvidia gtx 1080ti). OpenGL (v4.6) and Vulkan (v1.2) both 60 fps with settings maxed out. (I tried previous Alpha 26 before and it had performance issue with many units on map in OpenGL) Maybe try to bring Release 28 to Steam Gaming Platform? It will give greater audience...
  2. For the farmer fields it would be nice to see a mouse tooltip about how many workers. So I see were to assign more workers. Another idea would be if workers are assigned to a farmer field and it is overcrowded then workers automatically select to work on another farmer field nearby if available. e.g. I have 20 workers and assign all to one farmer field out of 4 then workers dispatch to all 4 fields nearby.
  3. I wish to disable unit selection sound like "PSD!". Because it is too loud and I cannot find a toggle to disable it or a slider to reduce this sound volume. Only if I set Master Volume to 0.05 then unit selection sound is better. Another sound which appears sporadically, maybe from the workers units, is "Uffhh!". Wish to disable that too or reduce its sound volume. Maybe there is an AddOn or Extension to manage sounds?
  4. Hope some good AI is also available to play 0.A.D against computer only? It should be able to select AI level e.g. from 1 to 10. Then users can compare their level in reference to AI.
  5. Unofficial VxKex Windows 7 extension is an API wrapper which redirects some Windows 10 API to old Windows 7 API. So some Apps using Windows 10 only APIs can still run on Windows 7 if feasible. https://github.com/i486/VxKex
  6. Runs on Windows 7 too with unofficial VxKex extension enabled. (Maybe developers consider to keep Win 7 API for next release. It should be only minor API changes needed as long as you stay with compatible Mozilla 115.)
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