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  1. Lech


    Like Hellens for example, wait not. It's Athenians, Spartans and Macedonian. Cimbri would be a good choice, maybe Markomani or Semnones.
  2. This need a slight correction. Cimbri were early germanic tribe, not early germans. German country was invented in 1871, after the dissolution of Holy Roman Empire, by Prussia. Germanic tribes predates it by about 2000 years, and a lot of other current and former countries have more claims to be it's successor than germany. Moreover, it's just english that call the current german country german, even they themselves don't call themselves like that (Deutsch), and their neighbors call them Allemani, Niemcy or Tyskland. Please, stop calling them germans. Thank you.
  3. Millenial mod is also fun, and i think designated mezoamerican mod would be fun too. You can only partialy control who you are up to at multiplayer, or using random enemies that increase variety. Don't take it away when there are decent candidates for future civs like berbers, celto-iberians, illyrians, dacians, germanic tribes, scythians, other nomadic tribes and more that fit in the game.
  4. No, it's right approach. To make believable environment, and make factions out of civilizations on similar level that at least had some diplomatic ties with each other. Not to mention had similar technological level. Survey isn't something to determine if it's right and wrong, it's done based on merit. 0 A. D. have a lot of oversimplifications, but they are gameplay elements, not inclusion of late medieval knights into the game. It's bad to introduce something out of place for some unfathomable reasons. And btw, stop insulting me in your responses, that's childish.
  5. A26 where the crash occured too worked just fine with opengl. I'll check a27, but i expect working ogl too (game, not editor). Yep, A27 game works just fine on opengl. Btw, why can't i import map between snap and flatpak, why one have numbers .xmb after regular name.xml ?
  6. antialiasing = "msaa8" currentcampaign = "new_maps_1739035677981_95004" gui.gamesetup.enabletips = "false" gui.session.defaultformation = "special/formations/null" gui.session.respoptooltipsort = "-1" gui.splashscreen.enable = "false" gui.splashscreen.version = "f2c86bbbf6198abf8b1b2e4664bb054b" modio.disclaimer = "3d59c1168232a88d964bf8e18cb69d52" playername.singleplayer = "whatever" rendererbackend = "vulkan" shadowquality = "2" shadowscutoffdistance = "364.51611328125" sharpening = "cas" sharpness = "0.5023040175437927" textures.maxanisotropy = "16" userreport.enabledversion = "0" userreport.id = snip Is my user.cfg Still crash.
  7. I see only 26 on flathub. I tend to not use ppa, especially with such version mismatch, as popos wait till their cosmic de is on par to base itself on 24.04. But in game it's 27. I'll check. Edit: checked, still crash upon loading any map with units or trying to add an unit myself.
  8. Ok, found it. It's snap, but 26 was flatpak. There is only 25 native, didn't installed it. userreport_hwdetect.txt
  9. No such file. I choose a unit (say, default cavalry) and the editor crash with nothing in logs. In A26 on OpenGL it also crashed btw, i have ryzen 7600 radeon 7800 on pop22.02 with mesa on x11 plasma.
  10. It crash every time i try to pick a unit, therefore i can't create a map. When run from terminal all it write is memory access violation (memory dump).
  11. Iberians meet Roman who meet Scythian and Chinese. Yes, it's close to fantasy at this point, don't be silly. Orks are fantasy race, if you can't figure it out yourself, ask for more fantasy races like elves, ogres and goblin. All the factions were at least chain-linked together. Nothing like that can be said about american civs. So don't even bother. I'd rather have added other believable African/Asian/European civilizations than american ones. Even proto-baltoslavs are more fitting than your pick. I strongly oppose adding such unrelated factions to the game, it make the game less rooted in history and realism. Do yourself a mod about your american civ, good luck.
  12. You can just as well add a fantasy race, like orks. Just as fitting in historical setting that was meant to give at least some immersion. Seafaring wasn't good enough for those to ever fight against each other. Therefore, they would waste development time and force me to remove them from the game myself.
  13. Name me one battle [the Zapotecs] had against any civilization already in the game. As i thought, there were 0.
  14. Another vote for Cherusci, Scythia and Alans? Great! Btw, he is Brazilian, which means old Portugal colony, which is related to Iberians. So he is already represented. Where are Veneti, proto-baltoslavs?
  15. I feel personally offended by this statement about scythians. Also, germanic tribes, maybe cherusci? Nobody care about mezoamerican civ, that didn't even had a chance to fight irl against African/Asian/Europeans. So i call your idea wrong and insulting.
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