Hello! What a wonderful protector you are handling and it is very nice to know that there are people who do not want to let the wonderful project die! Or at least they have the passion to give it a worthy ending (with all due respect to the original creator)
Unfortunately I am not a programmer but they have gained a fervent follower/fan and I would like to know if they have an official website so I can follow the project closely or just here.
I also have several questions about the project that I would like answered if it is not a bother.
1. Which factions are going to try to return their design and aesthetics to how they were before? and which factions remain as they are currently? I suppose the Zora domain, the Gorons, the Gerudo, etc. are going to be left intact. I already saw that they have almost no changes in relation to their Total War era.
2. Do you plan to add all the units that were removed? Or do you consider some of them redundant with those already present?
3. Will eliminated heroes return? Or will there be new heroes from existing factions already examined?
4. Finally, are you planning on adding the factions that were never able to be implemented, such as the Rito, Twili, and Guardians?
Sorry if I write a lot and don't contribute anything, but I'm really happy with the news! I sincerely appreciate that this wonderful project is still going strong! Long live Hyrule Conquest: Reborn!!!