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Posts posted by svede

  1. But, the state and church are seperated, so that only has bearing on marriage in church.

    ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE....I find it amazing how well people are decieved about this today, but in no part of the constitution nor the amendments was this said......It came from twisting a quote from Thomas Jefferson (who didnt even mean that) and claiming it to be applicable to the First Ammendment which meant something completely different.

    I could give u loads and loads of proof as to what the founding fathers meant in the constitution and the Bill of Rights if needed....

    Humans are above survival of the fittest, ever since we came to the stage where we could treat ill people and help the old and such. Survival of the fittest doesn't really apply to humans anymore.

    Aaah, I LOVE it when evolutionists contradict each other....the fact is thats not true about evolution....the very meaning behind it is constant changing and the key element of this is survival of the fittest to keep only the "best" around....thus ur wrong in ur idea that it doesnt apply anymore......quite a humorous attempt tho..:D....I'm home very sick right now and have been feeling miserable, but u managed to give me a bit of a chuckle, despite all of that - thanx :P

    As for sodomy hurting, I would have to say it hurts in some of the worst degrees.....of course I have already written enuf to get flamed plenty in ur replies. :P

    *puts on flame retardent suit*

  2. So, quacker, here's a question for you: How does it look like stars are >10000 years old if the universe is only 4000 years old (or 6000 or 10000, depending how you intrepret the extremely clear word of God ) Why would God fool us like that?

    Ok, this is a matter of you using science incorrectly....to answer this i dont even need to go into explaining how stars in reality are not that old.

    You guys are trying to prove a theory....now you can have as much proof for it as you want, but to disprove it I need only one proof of its falseness.....at least in this world....maybe different on some other planet :P


    The FAQ is certainly interesting too. My favorite question:


    Q: How did kangaroos get from Australia to the ark and back again?

    this simply shows their stupidity and lack of Bible knowledge....its laughable that they even imply this fact..

  3. Maybe we should start discriminating Christians from marriage, lets see how much you like it.

    A Christian is not going against morality and the way Humans were meant to be (in fact quite the opposite).....gays are going against morality and true Humanity

    Thanks for all the replies, I only wish legislaters were as tolerant as most of the people here... but that's wishful thinking.

    we wouldnt want disastor for the USA.....

    what you call "tolerance" is really the intolerance of someone exercising their right to be intolerant.....freedom of opinion....go figure :P

  4. I wish you hadnt done this yet....as I stated in another thread, i wont have time prolly until summer.....so really there is no point in me discussing it yet, altho I have TONS of info on this.. ^_^ ^_^

    -Argument from Authority:

    citing a quote from an authority figure as the sole support for your opinion. DON'T DO THIS please! Please also do not misquote biologists, I will be on the look out for this!

    And what qualifies a misquote?? something you dont like used against ur argument?? Ive seen this happen far too many times and when the context is given it still proves the statement was what the person quoting it implied it meant......besides many authorities have given statements that are so concise and specific there is NO other way to take them, unless you want to deny him saying it,,..

  5. actually, im not using dogmatic reasoning.....as for religion, altho it is by far the easiest and clearest proof, im not using that for my reasons, whereas you guys dont believe it anyways and thus wouldnt accept it as proof (altho it is ^_^) ^_^

  6. EXCELLENT POST, Cougar!! $rep++;

    anyways, i was gonna say pretty much the same thing along with this....

    don't you think you would want to honor someone with your works who set you free from Hell and gave u eternal salvation??

    another point is that Christians have the Holy Spirit in them to help them; here is a quick example:

    Romans 8:10: "And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. "

    I Corinthians 6:19: "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?'


    Thug, to simplify salvation on Christian terms

    Well, that's actually on protestant terms.

    So will someone go to hell if they try to do good works to get to heaven, but have faith in Jesus?

    From what you're saying, they certainly won't get there.

    There is only one true way, whether we like it or not:

    Mathew 7:14: "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. "

  7. well lets not confuse creationalists with real scientists, or I will have to hit something  That is certainly a topic worth discussion though, maybe I'll start a thread later.

    That is SO untrue whereas creationsists are using true science whereas the others are using a bogus theory NOT fact.....

    I was planning a thread like this for when i have more time, like during the summer.....I know of a creation scientists who uses science to disprove evolutionists.....in fact he has had reward money (currently 100 grand) for anyone who could disprove creation or prove evolution.....guess what? despite many "top scientists" trying no one has succeeded ^_^

  8. I have to agree with Quacker on this one.....no offense Klaas, but you were focusing on the emotional, while Q was using solid facts....and really you need to calm down as Q was merely bringing up good points and not looking for a fight

    The thing is, emotions vary from person to person, while facts do not.

    As for Hitler, he was not categorizing them with Hitler, but merely pointing out the flaws with the emotional argument, by showing someone who's emotions regarding murder are not the same as most, making the argument against allowing emotions to decide whether murder of a fetus is alright

    since when does "not wanting someone" make it ok to murder? Cuz you havent seen them yet nor even named them do you have the right to murder them cuz you either couldnt love them (showing obvious porblems) or just dont want them???

    I have some information about fetuses being humans, however, its at home and Im a college right now....ill post it when i can...

    as for the "point A to point B" argument, that has many flaws..

    what if I argued that a child was point A and an adult was point B??? so does that make them different??? ONLY in stage of development, NOT in being.....a fetus is simply an earlier stage in which in needs even more dependence than a Baby or an adult.....but like Q said, we are always still dependent on something throughout our life, even if just food and water and oxygen.....the stage of development simply determines how much of it we help in providing ourselves with it...

  9. hehe, great topic :P

    Unfortunately, like Jason I am busy too..

    But I will say that it is indeed murder.

    As for religion being the ONLY reason, thats simply not true....it is only one of many proofs of it being murder...

    In my poltics class we had to read arguments from both sides and discuss it....the guy who was pro-life (anti-murder) argued from the scientifics standpoint and NOT the religious standpoint for that very reason....he wanted to show that it is proven in BOTH religion AND science...ill see if I can get that article to some of you :P

  10. and the weird thing is that the database has them set correctly I *think*...so maybe its just on choosing which spotlight to display as selected in the selection boxes (which is how they know what is ucrrently set).

  11. publiccontent.php

    // Project Spotlight
       if($job == "Spotlight"){
           $_TEMPLATE['subtitle'] = "Project Spotlight";

           $_TEMPLATE['main_content'] .="
           <form action=\"pubcontproc.php\" method=\"POST\" align=\"left\">
           <table border=\"0\">
           <tr><td>Spotlight 1</td><td>Spotlight 2</td><td>Spotlight 3</td></tr>
           <td><select name=\"spotlight1\">";

           $spot1 = $dbs->select("SELECT setting_id, setting_info FROM $dbtbl[settings] WHERE setting_name='spotlight1' LIMIT 0,1");
           $dbs->query("SELECT prj_id, prj_title, prj_logo FROM $dbtbl[projects] ORDER BY prj_title ASC", 2);

           while ($proj = $dbs->fetch_array($dbs->db_query2)) {
               if($spot1['setting_info'] == $proj['prj_id'])
                   $_TEMPLATE[main_content] .= "
                   <option value=\"" . $proj['prj_id'] . "\" selected>- " . $proj['prj_title'] . "</option>";
                   $_TEMPLATE[main_content] .= "
                   <option value=\"" . $proj['prj_id'] . "\">- " . $proj['prj_title'] . "</option>";
           $_TEMPLATE['main_content'] .= "
           <td><select name=\"spotlight2\">";

           $spot2 = $dbs->select("SELECT setting_id, setting_info FROM $dbtbl[settings] WHERE setting_name='spotlight1' LIMIT 0,1");
           $dbs->query("SELECT prj_id, prj_title, prj_logo FROM $dbtbl[projects] ORDER BY prj_title ASC", 2);

           while ($proj = $dbs->fetch_array($dbs->db_query2)) {
               if($spot2['setting_info'] == $proj['prj_id'])
                   $_TEMPLATE[main_content] .= "
                   <option value=\"" . $proj['prj_id'] . "\" selected>- " . $proj['prj_title'] . "</option>";
                   $_TEMPLATE[main_content] .= "
                   <option value=\"" . $proj['prj_id'] . "\">- " . $proj['prj_title'] . "</option>";
           $_TEMPLATE['main_content'] .= "
           <td><select name=\"spotlight3\">";

           $spot3 = $dbs->select("SELECT setting_id, setting_info FROM $dbtbl[settings] WHERE setting_name='spotlight1' LIMIT 0,1");
           $dbs->query("SELECT prj_id, prj_title, prj_logo FROM $dbtbl[projects] ORDER BY prj_title ASC", 2);

           while ($proj = $dbs->fetch_array($dbs->db_query2)) {
               if($spot3['setting_info'] == $proj['prj_id'])
                   $_TEMPLATE[main_content] .= "
                   <option value=\"" . $proj['prj_id'] . "\" selected>- " . $proj['prj_title'] . "</option>";
                   $_TEMPLATE[main_content] .= "
                   <option value=\"" . $proj['prj_id'] . "\">- " . $proj['prj_title'] . "</option>";
           $_TEMPLATE['main_content'] .= "</td>";
           $_TEMPLATE['main_content'] .= "
           <br />
           <input name=\"job\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"Spotlight\">
           <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">
           <input type=\"reset\" value=\"Clear\">


    if(isset($_POST[job]) || isset($_GET[job])){
       if($_POST[job] == "Spotlight") {

           $dbs->query("UPDATE  $dbtbl[settings]  SET  `setting_info`='{$_POST['spotlight1']}'WHERE  `setting_name`='spotlight1' LIMIT 1");

           $dbs->query("UPDATE  $dbtbl[settings]  SET  `setting_info`='{$_POST['spotlight2']}'WHERE  `setting_name`='spotlight2' LIMIT 1");

           $dbs->query("UPDATE  $dbtbl[settings]  SET  `setting_info`='{$_POST['spotlight3']}'WHERE  `setting_name`='spotlight3' LIMIT 1");

           $reason = "Project Spotlight Updated Successfully!";

    And like I said on msn, I have 3 select boxes, but when i set them, they all get set to whatever I set the select box to. :P



  12. Since we are onto posting large items, i might as well post one. :P

    In my politics class this semester, one of our week-long class debates was on the death penalty. I wrote the conclusion for my group (the mosy conservative group out of 7 groups).

    By claiming citizenship of the United States a person has their unalienable rights protected by our Constitution, and may only be deprived of them through the due process of law. By committing a crime they agree to forfeit that right if found guilty through that “due process.” A person who commits such a heinous deed as to deprive another of their life has forfeited all rights, including that to their own life. Therefore, it is fully within the power of the judicial branch to deprive those rights if they are proven guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt through the due process of law. To say otherwise would be to undermine the integrity of our judicial system and weaken its power.

    Furthermore, not only does our nation’s judicial system have the power to deprive a criminal of life, but it also has the moral obligation to see that just and firm punishment be carried out. Yet, we should not simply base our decisions and morality upon man’s fallible emotions and views. Our Founding Fathers, too, knew this, founding our country upon a higher standard – the unchanging and just principles of God. God clearly makes his standard known with regard to the violation of Human sanctity, saying “…Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed…” One cannot mistake the fact that God requires the death of a murderer. Some, will attempt to point at human error or mention that only God has the right to choose the death of a person. It is true that God, only, holds that right. However, he has, despite Human faults, given man’s government the authority to carry out such a sentence on his behalf. Many groups confused the difference between an order from God to individuals and Governments. They quote the Bible where it says “That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” However, they took it out of context to speak of governments; in it rather speaking about individuals in conflict with other individuals. One needs to see the command God gives to governments, not individuals. In the New Testament, he says that government “…is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” Moreover, not only is it within a government’s authority from God, but it is the governments obligation to carry out the death penalty. In his First Inaugural Address, President George Washington said “...the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained...” In 1748, Charles de Montesquieu, the most quoted source, after the Bible, of our founding fathers, wrote “The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.”

  13. yes, ATI is the way to go....

    I have a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256mb card and it is the best ive seen...

    On my comp (3.0 GHZ, 1 GB RAM), it got benchmarked at like 284.2 FPS on Quake III Arena, altho ive clocked it anywhere from 200-400 FPS

    Im sure that even the lower ATI's give great perfomance, however :)

  14. @Mythos Ruler:

    as Madison calls them, "objects of benevolence", so yeah i include all of those plus some, including the college aid I get :)...

    And there are lots of good facts on the abilities of private organizations to handle this stuff, tbu dont have time nor the brain right now to explain appropriately...


    Well YOU as an individual are but a 1/280000000th of the general welfare. Just because it is you that is unhappy does not mean that the general public is unhappy.

    The more people we have as a whole that can contribute to society strongly makes the country's economy as a whole stronger.

    Basing it upon that if everyone wanted me dead for no reason they could take my right to life away.

    But the founders built in checks on the people even, knowing that its not that simple. The constitution sets what the people can decide via the national govt (and some other stuff too, of course) and they have no right to go beyond that....

    thus ur argument doesnt work (sorry!! :P), since you are assuming that it is constitutional.....people can only make a decision over my happiness like that if allowed by the constitution....:)

    great debate guys, ...im loving it :D



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