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Everything posted by xdnox360

  1. also the thracian cape or whatever you called it was not falsely atributed to them you can see the image of king bocchus on google he has the same cape , also i forgot the name of the book but there was a sentence in the section of the history of the mauretanians the author said they wore thick garment and coarse tunics
  2. also north africans were not black and when you said because of the sun i would like to remind you that numidia and mauretania were kingdoms that are located on the north were the greeny and mountainous regions are found , there is snow and many more things that i wouldn't think will make them black
  3. sorry for late reply but that image of jughurta wearing an armor ... that's not jughurta that's bocchus king of mauretania some artist took the bocchus monument and atributed it to jughurta, i will upload the bocchus monument
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