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Doctor Moist

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Everything posted by Doctor Moist

  1. One of my friends used to play a lot of Age of Empires and he started searching for an alternative and eventually found this game. Then he introduced it to our friend group. It was basically just word of mouth.
  2. Yes that was me on reddit. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm no expert. The way I found out about games like Raid and War Thunder are solely from advertisements. And I feel like they have contributed to a major part of the games' success. Also doing ads could pull in some new enthusiastic devs too.
  3. I don't get it. It has everything that a good Real Time Strategy game need. Its fun to play with friends and random people. Yet, there aren't many big youtube channels dedicated to this game. Even the subreddit has only a couple thousand members. Don't get me wrong, I love the community. They are some of the least toxic and most helpful RTS players I know. But darn it would be so much better if it was a bit more bigger. The major reason I could think of is poor marketing. I did not know that this game existed 2 months ago, the main reason being there is no advertisements or any promotions for the game. Which would make sense since the game is open source. Can we raise some money using fundraiser to promote the game. I feel like that could snowball into a wider playerbase.
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