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Everything posted by mtdew365

  1. It works!!! Thanks for all the assistanace! Here is what worked for me.... git clone https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad.git $HOME/0ad_gitea git lfs pull (had to install for my distribution) libraries/clean-source-libs.sh libraries/build-source-libs.sh build/workspaces/update-workspaces.sh cd build/workspaces/gcc make config=debug or make config=release
  2. I have deleted the .cache/0ad folder. Not sure how to pull the assets. Can you please assist? I used the following command to setup the repository... git clone https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad.git $HOME/0ad_gitea
  3. Fedora 41 computer. Using gitea for latest build. Now it appears to compile with 3.13 but I receive the following errors. I have not changed how I compile it but I thought the team would like to know the experience.
  4. I also get the same error. I had to install premake for Fedora 40 which installed premake 5. Built using the following... cd build/workspaces ./clean-workspaces.sh ./update-workspaces.sh --with-system-premake5 --with-system-mozjs --enable-atlas This worked for me!! Hope it helps.
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