Hello there!
Could somebody explain a little bit what triggers are, what for, how to use it, and how to work with it in Atlas?
I am a really begginer in map editting, but also in gaming, so I guess you can do thing like change player (or control) on some units, Find a Relic, etc...
I have found the triggers in the map editor, but I cannot find info about it. And I have placed one in the map and now I cannot remove it. Also I don't know what an A trogger do (if it do anything) or how to programe it, (if it is by writing or by selecting a mode etc..)
<<What I was planing is to build a map in where you find a group of archers that you cannot control, (like if they where Gaia, or other player) and once you "rescue" them, they belong to you. and you can use it.>>
Thank you so much!