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Posts posted by Vallon

  1. Julia Ormond :P

    I guess its a personal preference, but the whole lancelot story really annoys me.  Yes, its a pivital part of Monmouth's story... but I just don't like it.  I guess perfer putting Arthur and Gwen on a moral pedistal :P

    I'm also a big fan of the "True" king Arthur vs. the "Legendary" king Arthur.  The history of the british isles from 400-600 AD has always facinated me :P

    So if this movie isn't just a bunch of battle scenes in a grungy/dark age view of camelot... i'll be happy... but I have a feeling it will be...

    lol, thats exactly what I want. No glitz, no glamour - just history and an epic story!

    :P Julia Ormond = Gorgeous... and that accent, darn...

    But I hear ya on the whole Lancelot love triangle thing... it does seem to take attention away from Arthur and Lancelot as a great knight. But I dunno, I like it sometimes. Sometimes I like to indulge in the romantic view of Camelot and the "glory" of the age of chivalry and honor... but there's other times where I just want a raw and gritty historically accurate representation.

    I honestly don't mind a gritty/dark age version of Arthur that's more historically accurate. But in Hollywood, there's very few epic "historical" movies which hold true to the history they're based upon. Braveheart is a shining example...

    I hope it's an interesting movie though, and that there's more substance to the story than just loosely linked battle scenes.


    To everyone else, thanx for the welcoming words.... lots of nice people here...


    Someone asked if I had sketches...

    I don't have anything scanned right now, but hopefully I will get to at some point in the near future. I haven't done this stuff in a long time, but it's reawakening an interest in me. So patience...

    As far as helping out with any Arthurian storylines, I wouldn't mind contributing... i'm by no means an Arthurian scholar... but I do know quite a bit about the legends, and i'm creative... so if I can help, lemme know. :P

    Anyhow, thanx again for the nice welcome


  2. Ah, another arthur fan - can't ever have enough of you :P  I'm a big fan myself but based on another author (Stephen R. Lawhead). 

    Hopefully we'll have a nice campaign for you in Part II.

    BTW looking forward to the new Arthur film?


    I sure am!  :P

    I love the Pendragon Cycle by Lawhead... unfortunately though I have yet to read all the books in the series...

    I've only read Taliesin, Merlin & Arthur... but those 3 left me with a lot more excitement about the possibilities of arthurian legend...especially w/ the connection of Atlantis....

    The characters from his books would lend themselves well to a mod/game... not to mention all of the others from

    Sir Thomas Malory, T.H. White, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Lord Tennyson and others...

    I think an amalgam of all of those legends combined with some original storytelling that adds to it would make for an awesome epic game....

    I have a lot of ideas for bldgs, characters, and campaigns and would love to work with some people on bringing this idea to life...

    I know that a lot of you are busy with 0 A.D and TLA, and I don't expect you guys to have time for anything... but if there's anyone here that shares a love for these legends and would like to work on something like this with me, i'd be honored...



    Ah, another arthur fan - can't ever have enough of you :D  I'm a big fan myself but based on another author (Stephen R. Lawhead). 

    Hopefully we'll have a nice campaign for you in Part II.

    BTW looking forward to the new Arthur film?


    I sure am!  :P

    Oh... and about the movie "King Arthur"...

    I am excited, as I am whenever I see and epic/medieval/battle movie being made...

    But I'm also kinda scared that it's going to suck. lol...

    It seems like so many people have tried to tell the story in one way or another, and most of them disappoint me for one reason or another...

    "Excalibur" was great because of the depth of which they showed the whole story between Merlin and Wart (young Arthur), and then the sword in the stone and morgana and all that...

    But even that movie had a lot of things that were off that annoyed me...

    "First Knight" is one of my favorite movies... and I loved the way they played out the live triangle between Arthur, Guineviere and Lancelot... but it too was lacking a lot of what made Arthurian Legend so exciting... Pretty much all references to Merlin and any of the great knights other than Lancelot or Agravaine.... but it did have a lot of cool stuff in it as well. Definately a glammed up account...

    I've seen tv movies like "Merlin" and "Mists Of Avalon" which were cool in some ways, but very disappointing in others... It seems like when they do show the mystical side of things in a movie... it's overly cheesy and silly to appeal to kids... and in mists of avalon, I dunno... there was just a lot of weird things about that movie (based on the book)...

    That being said, I know Guinevere is more of a warrior queen/princess in this one... so that should be interesting, but hopefully she doesn't lose the grace and beauty that made her basically the medieval version of Helen. I'm hoping it's more like an Arwen from LOTR type character.... but we'll see.

    I just really hope they do it right... and avoid a lot of the cheesy stuff. It's sad when you have a legend so full of stories and so interesting and they hack it to pieces to make it "digestible" for a movie audience...

    It's kinda how I feel about the X-Men movies... I grew up loving that comic book and knowing so much about the characters... I felt like I was inside that world... and then I see that movie, and it was so watered down and plain. Some of the special fx were great and all... but when a movie lacks substance and a strong plot.. it shows. Then you hear everyone raving about how great the movie was... and you're like... "did we see the same movie?" Maybe that's how Tolkien enthusiasts feel about LOTR... I don't think it's just that books are much more vivid than someone else's vision... I just think in books there's more attention to detail about characters and storylines that draws you in.

    So if this movie isn't just a bunch of battle scenes in a grungy/dark age view of camelot... i'll be happy... but I have a feeling it will be...

    In many ways... Arthur is the kind of story you need to have drawn out over a series like LOTR... not just one movie. There's just too much story there, and if you try to edit out a lot of it to cut it down for one film... you lose a lot of what makes the legends so great.

    Someday, someone is going to do it right... in epic LOTR/Star Wars like fashion... hell maybe it'll be me... I dunno

    Maybe i'll cast myself as Arthur... B-) awww yeaaaa... :P:P


    Mon dieu!

    Ladies & Gentleman... I present to you Professor Gerald Lambeau from Good Will Hunting (two time winner of the Fields Medal :P)... starring as "Cedric" (hopefully not the Entertainer...doesn't really look the part :P)

    *Runs away frightened*

    Innnteresting.. verrrrry interesting...

    I dunno, seems like they're going for the whole Dux Bellorum/Roman General/Dark Age Arthur here... which is cool and most likely the accurate historical context of Arthur... but not quite as interesting or fascinating as all of the legends and tales associated with him afterwards...

    It'll be interesting to see how it goes... Could be good, but i'm still being skeptical...

    (posts merged by Desmond)

  3. Right, but every post is just one post and if it's OT, then it's OT.  We can't make exceptions for one post because then we'd have to make exceptions for every post.  The General TLA Discussion forum relates to TLA the game only, not other games, not other mods.

    Besides that, you're going to get more responses in the General WFG forum, so I'd move it there for that reason anyways.

    well, you run a tight ship...

    I didn't realize I was posting in the wrong forum... there's quite a few of them...

    I understand you moderate/administrate the board, and you're trying to keep things organized... I just didn't think it was a big deal...

    I felt like you were trying to show me up, rather than explain why it was in the wrong forum in a cordial way...

    regardless, I understand now... and I appreciate the tip



  4. TLA will be based off the engine 0AD's using.

    Let me phrase that better:

    TLA and 0AD will be sharing core engine components. TLA is very much a different game than 0AD.

    Why don't you take some time to read about TLA's history and its legal standing in the topics pinned at the top of this forum? It could save you from asking "stupid" questions :drunk:

    I said that perhaps it was a stupid question... but i'm not stupid...

    I did read the history and the legal details, but that didn't tell me whether or not it was going to be an independent game or a total conversion mod using the AOK engine...

    Various people have informed me though, and now I know...

  5. you're welcome :P

    I like the arthurian legend as well :P as for all the TLA and 0AD stuff, I'm not the best person here that can answer those questions.  you better talk to the project leaders and such :P

    well i'm sure they're actively working on and focused on putting out 0AD and TLA... but I dunno, hopefully there are some talented people who would be interested in working on something like this...

    it's just an idea

  6. This was moved to the Green Dragon for being OT. 

    You really should discuss this sort of thing in the general WFG forums rather than the TLA forums as the forum descriptions specifically say that in the Green Dragon topics must have something to do with J.R.R. Tolkien.

    with all due respect...

    the title of this topic is "Creating Mods/Games..., Can you guys help?"

    I'm new here... I'm interested in creating mods/games... and in receiving input/help from people such as yourself who are involved with both 0AD and TLA...

    So I posted here...

    It's not like i'm flooding the forum with multiple posts about the same thing...

    It's one post...

  7. Hi, i'm Vallon... hailing from Providence, Rhode Island...

    I've loved AOK for a long time now, and i've loved medieval history since I was a kid. Now at 22, I enjoy playing AOK and have recently discovered the joy of mods, and they've added a new dimension to the fun I can have with AOK.

    Seeing projects like Rome, 0AD and TLA seriously blow my mind, and have sparked a curiosity in me that I haven't had in awhile. When I was young I was fascinated with books like "Castle" by David Macauley and would draw complicated castle layouts and fantasy maps for fun. I'd spend hours on these with a sketch pad and my friends thought I was crazy... but for me, it was like playing AOK in my head... w/o the cool graphics and sounds and animation...

    So naturally when I discovered a game like AOK I fell in love... I've kinda got a way from drawing though... been mostly into music since high school... but now at 22 I find myself looking at drawings of castles & bldgs for 0AD and TLA ... especially many by mythos ruler... and I'm fascinated. I know I can sketch and I know I can do drawings similar to him... and I think that's what excites me. I'm rusty as hell, I haven't really even sketched anything in a long time, until last night when I picked up pen and some graph paper and just started to jot down ideas...

    I love this stuff... I love being able to bring my imagination to life in minature scale...

    So anyhow... that being said... I've seen numerous Arthurian related characters and mods at AOK heaven... I just can't understand why no one has created a total conversion mod for AOK that totally focuses on the Arthurian legend...

    I've been fascinated with the story of the knights of the round table and the quest for the grail since I was a kid... and it seems like AOK is the perfect game for it, yet there isn't anything other than a few heroes.

    Arthur, Lancelot, Gawain, Mordred... the usual suspects...

    but what about Merlin? what about Guinevere? what about Morgana le Fay? Galahad/Percival? Kay?

    I see scenarios... but most seem to be focused on Uther (pre-arthur)...

    What about the sword in the stone? what about merlin & arthur in the woods as a boy... what about courting guinevere...and the love triangle with lancelot... what about the lady of the lake, and excalibur... what about uniting the knights of the round table? what about the quests of Gawain & Gareth... what about the Green Knight? What about the wars in France? What about the Battle of Camlaan between Arthur & Mordred? What about Avalon? What about Camelot?

    You get the idea... there's so many different quests/scenarious that could be created and incorporated together... yet I don't see anything that comprehensive...

    I've never played AOM, and perhaps that would lend itself better to that type of game... but I dunno... maybe it can be done with AOK? maybe a totally seperate game like 0AD and TLA?

    I dunno... I just think that if it could be well done with icons/sounds/storylines/animation... it could be a truly great game that would be enjoyed by a great many people who like me, have loved the stories of arthur since childhood.

    Tolkien's world is a great one... and I commend those who are putting together such a vast project here with TLA.... but the legends of arthur are just as captivating and full of lore...


    Like I said, i'm a rookie here... haven't programmed or modded anything (other than just hording and collecting ones that others have made)... but I'd like to learn and be able to create my own stuff. I'm especially interested in designing buildings and fortifications and what not...

    Anyhow, if anyone has any info on arthurian related stuff...or would like to collaborate on something... please let me know...

    thanx guys


  8. Welcome, Vallon! Perhaps you should introduce yourself further in the Introductions forum. :drunk:

    Have you seen Wildfire's Rome at War mod yet? Quite an accomplishment, to say the least. :P

    Yeah I have.... that's how I discovered O A.D. and TLA, and this forum...

    I'm pretty amazed at it all...

    Anyhow, I've seen numerous Arthurian related characters and mods at AOK heaven... I just can't understand why no one has created a total conversion mod for AOK that totally focuses on the Arthurian legend...

    I've been fascinated with the story of the knights of the round table and the quest for the grail since I was a kid... and it seems like AOK is the perfect game for it, yet there isn't anything other than a few heroes.

    I know a lot about the history and the various different storylines and myths related to arthurian legend... and I think it would make for an excellent game. If it could be designed apart from AOK to make it even cooler, perhaps with the 0AD engine then that would be cool. I know that obviusly a great many people are involved with both TLA and 0AD, and they both look amazing... but I think it's something worth looking into...

    Like I said, i'm a rookie here... haven't programmed or modded anything (other than just hording and collecting ones that others have made)... but I'd like to learn and be able to create my own stuff. I'm especially interested in designing buildings and fortifications and what not...

    Anyhow, if anyone has any info on arthurian related stuff...or would like to collaborate on something... please let me know...

    thanx guys


  9. Hi! I'm new to the world of modding/programming, and I haven't created anything of my own yet...but after seeing this game-in-progress and many mods, i'm kinda inspired to try my hand at it. I know absolutely jack about triggers and programming AI and graphics and all that... but I do have quite a few ideas for some good scenarios and perhaps even total conversion projects/games...

    Anyhow, the main reason i'm posting is that I'd like to check out other mods/games... the more I see, the more I learn and the more ideas I get for my own stuff...

    So if you guys could show me some really cool and interesting mods/games I'd love to check them out...

    I'm particularly interested in Arthurian related stuff...

    so if anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated...

    Again, i'm new to all of this... but i'd like contribute and learn some stuff so I can create my own mods/games...



  10. Hi! I'm new to the world of modding/programming, and I haven't created anything of my own yet...but after seeing this game-in-progress and many mods, i'm kinda inspired to try my hand at it. I know absolutely jack about triggers and programming AI and graphics and all that... but I do have quite a few ideas for some good scenarios and perhaps even total conversion projects/games...

    Anyhow, the main reason i'm posting is that I'd like to check out other mods/games... the more I see, the more I learn and the more ideas I get for my own stuff...

    So if you guys could show me some really cool and interesting mods/games I'd love to check them out...

    I'm particularly interested in Arthurian related stuff...

    so if anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated...

    Again, i'm new to all of this... but i'd like contribute and learn some stuff so I can create my own mods/games...



  11. TLA is a full RTS game...  from scratch.  No mod, not even pre-made engine, we're doing that too.

    And it'll be free, as for release date:  Done when done.

    very cool... sounds like a great project :drunk:

    Checking out the drawings and storylines that are going into this and O A.D. is inspiring me to learn more so I can create my own as well...

    I have a lot of good ideas and i'm pretty good with sketches and what not... but when it comes to programming, I don't know much at all...

    I'm very new to modding and programming...

    Anyhow, like I said... it sounds like a great project and I look forward to being able to play it someday. Keep up the good work.

  12. Is TLA going to be a complete conversion mod for Age Of Kings: The Conquerors or is it going to be a game created from scratch?

    Any idea when it will be coming out? It seems like a lot of work is going into this, and i'm excited to play (hoping that this is indeed a mod for AOK:TC)...

    Anyhow, just thought i'd ask at the risk of looking silly...



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