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Everything posted by billy_altimus

  1. I'll start off by this I believe what your going for is a Diamond Back and to Cheezy's post .... you have your own perceptions of "sagging" but please don't involve all of California in this because trust your thoughts on this are not at what everyone else in California thinks, and that whole mass=air theory is soooo far off i dont think that god can get you back on, some rollerbladers do it because it gives a far better range of motion, otherwise your pants bunch up when there pulled up and its far harder to jump, the other reason people do it is because it is there "style". I've read some responses in this and it makes, well should i say "angry" that people make fun of someone's "style." I'm sure that if we tell a lot of people that we do for fun has to do with (insert hobby) they would make fun of us, why? because our "style" is different? Wow, if you say you don't care about this then that is a lie because if it does not offend you then you either have very low self-esteem and like it when people make fun of you or that you dont take your "style" seriously. I guess you would have to know rollerblading to know just how important your "style" is to your uniqueness, and thats whats sets rollerblading apart from most other hobbies or past times, its the fact that we all get a long and theres no making fun of other peoples "style." Maybe you should look past your conformist lifestyle and except other people's "styles."
  2. Hey guys! I'm sorta new 2 the whole online gaming thing and i was just wonder, what are some gr8 games that would B good 2 play? Also I would like to say hello 2 all my fellow Wildfire Games online chat buddies! You guys are gr8! Oh yeah and I can't leave out Sam Carlton aka the Ph4t0m! He's the best! He is probably the nicest kid i know he's really good at rollerblading and if i'm not mistaken he should be turning pro in the next month or so...... so says Daily Bread Rollerblading Magazing...... so i think all of you guys should go out and buy the next issue in stores in i believe 2 weeks and while your at it give Sam a "good job man!" because he deserves it and I know he's worked really hard to get to how far he is today. sincerely Billy Altimus oh yeah and if anyone wants to chat with me my aim sn- thephutureisnow
  3. hi ya sam i decided to become a member because i dig you lots and i wanted to know if you would like to eat dinner with my family tomorrow
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