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  1. Wait. Uhm. This whole idea would crumble if the only data relative to the position of units was the tile they're placed on...
  2. Hello everybody. I'm a programmer, I mostly write in Python, and I'm currently making a little RTS by myself. I first learned of this game in the Ubuntu forums, and the fact that a freeware(is it also OSS?) game project could reach this quality impressed me. I've read almost all there was to be read on the site and this forum, but I'm still left wondering about so many things I would like to ask some questions to the programmers, about stuff like pathfinding, the rendering engine, AI, moddability... Where do I do that? MSN? IRC? Here? But I've gotta justify opening a topic anyhow so here's my game suggestion I've looked at the promotional video and the fighting scene was very good, I loved the animations. However in all RTS games I play I somewhat dislike the fact that once two units engage in a fight they remain in place until one of them is either dead or fleeing. What if stronger/healthier/charging units could slowly push weaker/less densely positioned ones? That'd be an interesting gameplay twist, not too hard to implement, and not too heavy on performance - in my very humble opinion
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