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Everything posted by 1984

  1. Please add @1984 in the list which I ask to close right now Just to make it clear, even if we face more or less the same harassment, @1984 doesn't belong to @Yekaterina I'm fully convinced that a game moderated as such is like running into a wall. Have fun. I don't have any under treats and random dictatorial power
  2. See the extract below or the full mainlog.html attached. I know this report might cost me one day mute and multiple kicks as before if he is another @Norse_Harold's friend but Barcodes' behavior deserves this risk. BYW ModerationBot stacked lots of his sentences in lobby yesterday. Why nothing happened @Norse_Harold ? They were obvious! $ python3 ~/.config/0ad/logs/0adextract_chat.py --enable-all-chat |grep ^Barcodes Barcodes (1739): pers Barcodes (1739): /allies 2 Barcodes (1739): /allies where are u guys Barcodes (1739): /allies Rigimaru7 (1317) border Barcodes (1739): better call saul! Barcodes (1739): favela lol sniper12 (1735) Barcodes (1739): /allies food juarca (1353) pls Barcodes (1739): Larsvandijk (1397) Barcodes (1739): what the @#$% Barcodes (1739): are you doing Barcodes (1739): ???? Barcodes (1739): is Larsvandijk (1397) a real person? Barcodes (1739): why are u so retarded Barcodes (1739): what was the point in that Larsvandijk (1397) Barcodes (1739): yes but why are u building a base in the middle of the map Barcodes (1739): no one is gonna attack u there and its useless Barcodes (1739): now i have to deal with this @#$% because you are an idiot Barcodes (1739): Larsvandijk (1397) are you going to kill 1984 (1412) with 20 units? Barcodes (1739): 2 tgs in a row where i have to play with donkeys Barcodes (1739): MarcAurel (1539) its unfair Barcodes (1739): how is Larsvandijk (1397) so bad Barcodes (1739): this guy has been playing this game for a long time Barcodes (1739): and he's 1200 max Barcodes (1739): i don't understnad Barcodes (1739): anyway gg Barcodes (1739): i hate early resigning on my team mates but there is no hope when playing with people like Larsvandijk (1397) Barcodes (1739): MarcAurel (1539) i didn't just say that for no reason Barcodes (1739): we tried to communicate multiple times to him and he ignores and suicides Barcodes (1739): how can u not be mad at someone wasting time Barcodes (1739): i prefer criticism personally Barcodes (1739): 1984 (1412) you report people on the internet Barcodes (1739): you must be insecure irl Barcodes (1739): 1984 (1412) get a grip Barcodes (1739): shut tf up soft clown Barcodes (1739): u must be fat Barcodes (1739): or gay Barcodes (1739): please do it Barcodes (1739): it makes u look bad not me Barcodes (1739): lol mainlog.barcodes.html
  3. @Player of 0AD Yes it's well described as a bug https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6794 and here wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/107064-mainloghtml-reveals-too-much-sensitive-information/ I just use 0adextract_chat.py to dump data here. The html logs are not human readble. @Player of 0AD I underlines a few line for you below. But yes it's a great tool to fine tune player blacklists which I should have used before. BYW Funny to see smurfs criticizing smurfs. Hoping @G.O.A.T isn't back ? Atrik_III (very nub): Evidences for your bclaim? Atrik_III (very nub): claim* Atrik_III (very nub): Or you are just playing drama queen? 1984 (1404): hi borg- (2293) 1984 (1404): can I ? borg- (2293): hi borg- (2293): i borg- (2293): y 1984 (1404): could you pick a biom 1984 (1404): I'm old and some breaks my eyes 1984 (1404): Gauls borg- (2293): Game will start in 5 seconds. borg- (2293): Game will start in 4 seconds. rejuvelac (1239): /observers who will win? Atrik_III (very nub): /observers who is 1984? MuchoLag: /observers the ego guy kun0 (1515): /observers 011 MuchoLag: /observers he is nub Atrik_III (very nub): /observers got this part but he's a smurf? kun0 (1515): /observers cedric0 MuchoLag: /observers he has like 30 smurf accounts kun0 (1515): /observers my level MuchoLag: /observers GOAT called him \"the ego guy\" in the smurf tracking page in the forum MuchoLag: /observers not your level kun0 (1515) MuchoLag: way lower kun0 (1515): /observers hm rejuvelac (1239): /observers do you mean 1984 will win? 1984 (1404): what? Atrik_III (very nub): /observers now he'll read obs chat MuchoLag: /observers yes hates me and will kick me 1984 (1404): could you ban spec speaker borg- (2293) please? borg- (2293): spec chat pls MarcAurel (1596): /observers actually many players read secret chat MarcAurel (1596): /observers defc0n does so also kun0 (1515): /observers how? MarcAurel (1596): /observers there are mods MarcAurel (1596): /observers private distribution darkcity (1663): /observers up fot tg? Atrik_III (very nub): /observers most of cheats like this are litteraly 1line of code to modify, not even need to make a mod MarcAurel (1596): /observers in like 30 min yes MuchoLag: /observers in one 4v4game with observers i sent a link to another player via private message, 12 unique people opened the link darkcity (1663): /observers 1984 (1404) going to loose anyways MuchoLag: /observers 1984 (1404) is super nub MuchoLag: /observers 1500 max Atrik_III (very nub): /observers lol rly MuchoLag? effervescent (1308): /observers hi guys Atrik_III (very nub): /observers so that's like \"wide spread\"? MuchoLag: /observers Atrik_III (very nub) yes MuchoLag: /observers it was shoking and creepy MuchoLag: /observers so private messages should be called public messages effervescent (1308): /observers Public message that is tagged private xD MuchoLag: /observers half the people opened the link during the game the other half after the game Atrik_III (very nub): /observers ppfff x) rejuvelac (1239): /observers or one person opened it 12 times? MuchoLag: /observers so in op games i would say 70% or the people read all chat darkcity (1663): /observers no tg? effervescent (1308): /observers view count is ip unique rejuvelac (1239) MuchoLag: /observers rejuvelac (1239) it was a pastebin link and it shows unique users MuchoLag: /observers i tried reloading the page several times and it does not count as new user MuchoLag: /observers so i assume unique people rejuvelac (1239): /observers One person had 12 smurf accounts? MuchoLag: /observers lol no MuchoLag: /observers it was like 8 players and 8 specs MarcAurel (1596): /observers some have more than 12 smurf accounts MuchoLag: /observers seems i will have tu upgrade on that, cause i seem to be the only nub that does not read all chat Sextain (1384): /observers what is the point reading observer chat when you need to win battle? Atrik_III (very nub): /observers you could know ennemy plans MuchoLag: /observers i was thinking on jamming the frequencies by spamming pings to players in private messages xd Sextain (1384): /observers Atrik_III (very nub) I ask this case rejuvelac (1239): /observers I feel like civs with smaller houses have a big advantage, what do yu think? rejuvelac (1239): /observers in the beginning of the game MuchoLag: /observers yes rejuvelac (1239) i feel they boom faster Atrik_III (very nub): /observers Sextain (1384) because 1984 (1404) looks like he care very much what we are saying of him rejuvelac (1239): /observers I hoe they change it for the next alpha Sextain (1384): /observers If i play 1vs1 i dont have second to even read text produced by system on screen. MuchoLag: /observers its ridiculous that all chat gets relayed from host to all connected paries Sextain (1384): /observers Atrik_III (very nub) who? borg- (2293) is reading? MuchoLag: /observers Sextain (1384) you can read it even after the game MuchoLag: /observers some dudes opened my link 20 min after the game Sextain (1384): /observers MuchoLag explain me later need leave MuchoLag: /observers so many read all chat after MuchoLag: /observers like a hobby Barcodes (1748): /observers never heard of that MuchoLag: /observers but yes sadly team chat is no longer reliable MuchoLag: /observers you say \"lets switch sides and attack xxx\" MuchoLag: /observers he can know effervescent (1308): /observers I must be missing something. why do players avoid the Home Garden upgrade in a 300 pop game? Atrik_III (very nub): /observers at least ready it after isn't cheating MuchoLag: /observers Atrik_III (very nub) true Atrik_III (very nub): /observers reading* rejuvelac (1239): /observers is borg- (2293) a defensive player? MuchoLag: /observers but i remember hannibal barca could read during the game Barcodes (1748): /observers he is a champ player MuchoLag: /observers and in my experience with that link half the people read it during the game kun0 (1515): /observers why is borg- (2293) not making units kun0 (1515): /observers champs? rejuvelac (1239): /observers p2 effervescent (1308): /observers looks like it rejuvelac (1239): /observers no outposts? MuchoLag: /observers so home garden is totally worth in 300 pop games effervescent (1308) ? effervescent (1308): /observers Definitely Worth it MuchoLag rejuvelac (1239): /observers sacrificing hero? MuchoLag: /observers no siege workshop MuchoLag: /observers champ siege? kun0 (1515): /observers maybe just having fun MuchoLag: /observers true MuchoLag: /observers he is trapped tho rejuvelac (1239): /observers this is not winning, is it? kun0 (1515): /observers i heard he often plays not serious effervescent (1308): /observers borg- (2293), only had champs as melee units MuchoLag: /observers yes he is not respecting the enemy MuchoLag: /observers who would figtht there? MuchoLag: /observers its hilarius MuchoLag: /observers worst possible place ever MarcAurel (1596): /observers borgs champs took too long to get involved into fight MarcAurel (1596): /observers they were stuck behind house kun0 (1515): /observers yes effervescent (1308): /observers and also no proper melee upgrade MarcAurel (1596): /observers fort is not a big deal in this alpha really MuchoLag: /observers but the constraintment did not allow his champs to engage as someone said, and he could not use formations to his advanage, or retreat to his advantacge MuchoLag: /observers its was the worst possible place to engage kun0 (1515): /observers you think on purpose? rejuvelac (1239): /observers why people here dont care about temple? MuchoLag: /observers i agree with you kun0 (1515) i think he is just having fvun kun0 (1515): /observers i use temple depending on stuation MuchoLag: /observers he played way more seriously against you kun0 (1515) kun0 (1515): /observers ty kun0 (1515): /observers i still lose against stockfish every time MuchoLag: /observers look how borg suicides his champs again MuchoLag: /observers or not xd rejuvelac (1239): /observers why does borg- (2293) have more metal? He has way more champs... MuchoLag: /observers 12k collected kun0 (1515): /observers hwre is vinme these days\xDF rejuvelac (1239): /observers bad eco by 1984 MuchoLag: /observers he got bored that nobody entered his host maybe kun0 (1515): /observers lul kun0 (1515): /observers MuchoLag do you play actuallay? i walys see you spec MuchoLag: /observers lately he was just hosting TGs for 1200 players MuchoLag: /observers i do kun0 (1515) MuchoLag: /observers lol his champs Barcodes (1748): /observers borg- (2293) will win he has way more wood MuchoLag: /observers agains 200 troops Barcodes (1748): /observers and barracks darkcity (1663): /observers 1984 (1404) afkother other flank rejuvelac (1239): /observers easy to distract 1984 MuchoLag: /observers true rejuvelac (1239): /observers 1984 will run out of wood MuchoLag: /observers ohh he is denying wood, right Atrik_III (very nub): /observers borg- (2293) trying to make this game last forever MuchoLag: /observers that's the troll game rejuvelac (1239): /observers gg 1984 (1404): gg borg- (2293) borg- (2293): gg
  4. linked to this thread : Is there any moderator now in lobby ? @Norse_Harold @user1 @Stan`
  5. I_am_groot.log uncensored + mainlog.html mainlog.html
  6. Hi, I think the community should seriously take i_am_groot's behavior into consideration, his words are always inappropriate and his behavior demotivates a big part of the community (tons of trash talkings) - 2 things made me very worry - they are children playing this game and this behaviors can only demotivate us to play. Clearly I state here for myself but I would love to see others signing to put this behaviors out. Please see the sentence below at the end of the console dump nvtopgun: hi team game? 1984 (1404): hi Nusantara (1410) sadSheep (1413): hi sadSheep (1413): 1984 (1404) 1984 (1404): hi 1984 (1404): Stockfish? sadSheep (1413): n 1984 (1404): who then ? sadSheep (1413): me 1984 (1404): ok RICSAND1655 (1280): to play whit gaia weirdJokes (1929) Rauls (1849): 4v4 1984 (1404): hi Atrik_III (very nub): in...!. put RICSAND1655 (1280) in!! ycswyw (1531): Aale1337 (1486), play? ycswyw (1531): darkcity (1663), play? Aale1337 (1486): no cant 1984 (1404): Gauls darkcity (1663): let me see darkcity (1663): 2 min i_am_groot (1638): RICSAND1655 (1280) or darkcity (1663) <> Atrik_III (very nub) ycswyw (1531): maybe 4 vs 3 is balanced with me ycswyw (1531): iberians darkcity (1663): ok go ycswyw (1531): RICSAND1655 (1280), sound ok before start ? weirdJokes (1929): Atrik_III (very nub) RICSAND1655 (1280): y RICSAND1655 (1280): now i get ready RICSAND1655 (1280): ty ycswyw (1531): HF weirdJokes (1929): /allies ycswyw (1531) cav rush? i_am_groot (1638): /allies weirdJokes (1929) rush together? weirdJokes (1929): /allies no ycswyw (1531): /allies Y? RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies i rush RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies nono RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies u rush RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies Atrik_III (very nub)? Atrik_III (very nub): /allies ok darkcity (1663): /allies 1984 (1404) border weirdJokes (1929): /allies must be rushed xD i_am_groot (1638): /allies he is smurf weirdJokes (1929): /allies hes 1600 1984 (1404): /allies darkcity (1663) weirdJokes (1929): /allies hes 01122 vieuxreac Atrik_III (very nub): /allies p2 rush righ RICSAND1655 (1280)? RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies ok i_am_groot (1638): /allies weirdJokes (1929) scout pls weirdJokes (1929): /allies soon weirdJokes (1929): /allies RICSAND1655 (1280) weirdJokes (1929): /allies found his wood RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies i_am_groot (1638) rushing Barcodes (1748): hi 1984 (1404): /allies he has 3 spear cav Rauls (1849) RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies doble rush Rauls (1849): /allies cav Rauls (1849): /allies 7 darkcity (1663): /allies capture barack 1984 (1404): /allies taht's why i hate tg darkcity (1663): /allies delete ycswyw (1531): /allies i can't ycswyw (1531): /allies garrison ycswyw (1531): /allies yours 1984 (1404): /allies they both rush Rauls (1849) - uif you go fast ti's gg darkcity (1663): /allies go for round 2 ycswyw (1531) RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies strat to kill i_am_groot (1638) RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies Aale1337 (1486) RICSAND1655 (1280): /allies Atrik_III (very nub) i_am_groot (1638): you are right darkcity (1663) ... 1984 (1404) is @#$% 1984 (1404): ok exit weirdJokes (1929): ? @Stan` @user1 -
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