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Everything posted by gnw

  1. I have 9.0.0 and 9.1.0 versions available but they might break things. I will see what I can do. Thanks.
  2. After applying the patch update-workspaces.sh works fine, but after cd gcc make -j8 I get this error: /usr/include/fmt/core.h:1691:7: error: static assertion failed: Cannot format an argument. To make type T formattable provide a formatter<T> specialization: https://fmt.de\ v/latest/api.html#udt 1691 | formattable, | ^~~~~~~~~~~ I attach the log. make.log
  3. I cloned bbae408 from https://github.com/0ad/0ad, then cd build/workspaces ./update-workspaces.sh -j8 > >(tee update-workspaces.log) 2>&1 got this error: error: failed to run custom build command for `mozglue-static v0.1.0 I attach update-workspaces.log update-workspaces.log.xz
  4. Versions that I have installed: clang++ 16.0.2 gcc 12.2.0 gcc-g++ 12.2.0 I have mozjs version 102.10.0 installed, but 0ad is building with mozjs-78.6.0 because that is the version that comes packaged in the official release: http://releases.wildfiregames.com/0ad-0.0.26-alpha-unix-build.tar.xz, and the build scrip uses it.
  5. Forgot to mention that I have rust-1.67.1 installed.
  6. I am trying to build 0ad on Slackware-current using sbopkg (which runs this build script) but compilation stops trying to build spidermonkey. I get the error: --> /tmp/SBo/0ad-0.0.26-alpha/libraries/source/spidermonkey/mozjs-78.6.0/third_party/rust/encoding_rs/src/handles.rs:113:30 | 113 | let mut u: u16 = ::std::mem::uninitialized(); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | this code causes undefined behavior when executed | help: use `MaybeUninit<T>` instead, and only call `assume_init` after initialization is done | I attach the build log. 0ad.log
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