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Everything posted by Buchi

  1. I strongly suggest to remove it. It does not follow the rules. In some countries it is even forbidden.
  2. Hi, is it possible to implement that new units have the rally point in the building they are built? To me it makes sense to have such a feature, since typically you can garrison units as well in the building they are produced. What do you think?
  3. Thank you Vrayer. But that is not an answer to my question :) It should be possible to implement if it is not yet done. Remember we should be open to feedback and always look for improvement :)
  4. That obviously only works if you are not by yourself a very low rated player :) I know you're pro, but I am not :) Therefore I am interested, since I hardly find weaker players :)
  5. Are the naked fanatics the only champions which can be bought by food and wood only and have the same specs as other champions? I think then they are op. I would suggest changing the prize to the standard champion prize.
  6. In 0ad in the lobby, I can see my current rank and the rank of the 100 best players. But how do I see how many players are ranked? I would like to know for instance that I am ranked 2000 out of XY. This XY number is missing to me. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  7. Is there a shortcut for that? Chatgpt said no. Can anyone help me create a mod for that? Chatgpt gave me this code: Can you give me some help how to test it or how to continue? function selectWoundedUnits() { var selectedUnits = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("unitselection").selected; var woundedUnits = []; for (var i = 0; i < selectedUnits.length; i++) { var unit = selectedUnits[i]; var health = unit.GetHealth() / unit.GetMaxHealth(); if (health < 0.6) { woundedUnits.push(unit); } } Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("unitselection").selected = woundedUnits; } Engine.RegisterGuiCallback("onSelectionChanged", selectWoundedUnits);
  8. I installed the latest version of 0ad under Linux (Arch Linux). So far everything worked well, but I reinstalled it from scratch and I cannot install mods anymore. I get the error message ERROR: Failed to install '/home/xxx/.local/share/0ad/mods/autociv/autociv.zip.temp' and if I check the folder, it is empty. Before the reinstallation I could install mods. What can I do? Thank you.
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