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Everything posted by stephenjust

  1. For what it's worth, it was very easy for me to get the game built and running on the v141 toolset in VS2017 (which references the Windows 8.1 SDK), with defines to support Windows 7. The binary dependencies in SVN don't even need to be recompiled, I just had to remove two XP-toolset-related workarounds. v141-toolset.patch
  2. Per Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads | Microsoft Learn at least, platform toolset v143 (from VS2022) is still compatible with Windows Vista and newer, and per Which SDK do I need to ensure Windows 7 compatibility in Visual Studio C++ 2017 - Stack Overflow, the Windows 10 SDK can still build apps for Windows 7 given the right compiler flags - so it at least sounds like an appropriately motivated individual could upgrade the code / build system without losing compatibility (and unblock use of newer language features).
  3. I'm just getting started in setting up a build environment on Windows, but I've got a nagging question that I couldn't find an answer to in the wiki or forum after some searching - Why is the project still being built with a Windows XP-compatible toolset if support for XP was dropped (due to spidermonkey)? Is it just a matter of nobody prioritizing moving off the toolset or is there some more subtle reason?
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