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0ad is the best rts game

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Everything posted by 0ad is the best rts game

  1. Macedonian has warehouse technology - 100% of the study time. However, when the player clicks on "Learn Game > Structure > Warehouse (right mouse button)" or clicks on the right mouse button of the warehouse in the game, it shows the cost time. This may confuse the player.
  2. A26 Han's gate cannot be garrisoned. However, other faction's gate can be garrisoned.
  3. Brilliant idea! I currently have 3 ideas. Firstly, referring to Mr. Sevda comments make Acharya chanakya can use his bonus in 30 meters. Secondly, Acharya chanakya make all structure's technologies have -5%~10% resource and -10~20% research time.(The Percentage is TBD.) Finally, storehouse, farmstead, corral, dock, and market can be garrisoned. Garrisoned limit :  storehouse:1  farmstead:1  corral:1  dock:3  market:3 Otherwise, the above can provide units of all types to be garrisoned. 好主意!我目前有2個想法。 首先,參考 Sevda 先生的評論使 Acharya chanakya 可以在 30 米內使用他的紅利。 其次,Acharya chanakya 使所有結構的技術具有減少5%~10% 的資源和減少-10~20% 的研究時間。(百分比待定) 最後,倉庫、農莊、畜欄、碼頭和市場都可以駐紮。 駐紮上限: 倉庫:1 農莊:1 畜欄:1 碼頭:3 市場:3 此外,上述可以提供所有單位駐紮。
  4. (1) When Maurya's Acharya Chanakya garrisoned, the structure's technologies have -20% resource and -50% research time. However, the above skill cannot be used because storehouse, farmstead, corral, dock, and market cannot be garrisoned. He cannot use the above skill in storehouse, farmstead, corral, dock, and market. Therefore, would it be possible to make storehouse, farmstead, corral, dock, and market can be garrisoned. (1)孔雀王朝的考底利耶駐守時,此建築的科技研發資源花費減少20%,以及減少50%的研究時間。然而,上述技能無法使用在倉庫、農舍、畜欄、碼頭和市集,因為無法駐守。因此,是否可以讓倉庫、農舍、畜欄、碼頭和市集能駐守? (2)Spartan' Agis III have only a skill that named Inspired Defense. However, other heroes have 2 skill, it make him weaker than other heroes. Therefore, would it be possible to give Spartans' Agis III a second skill? (2)斯巴達的阿基斯三世只有一項技能名為激勵防禦。然而,其他英雄都有2種技能,這使他比其他英雄弱。因此,是否可以讓斯巴達的阿基斯三世有第二項技能? (3)Carthage's Hannibal Barka cost amount of resources as same as Maurya's Chandragupta Maurya. However, Carthage's Hannibal Barka have 2 skill. Maurya's Chandragupta Maurya as same as Spartan' Agis III have only a skill that named Inspired Defense. Therefore, would it be possible to give Maurya's Chandragupta Maurya a second skill? (3)迦太基的漢尼拔巴卡花費資源和孔雀王朝的旃陀羅笈多一樣多。然而,迦太基的漢尼拔巴卡有2種技能。孔雀王朝的旃陀羅笈多只有和斯巴達的阿基斯三世一樣的一種技能名為激勵防禦。因此,是否可以讓孔雀王朝的旃陀羅笈多有第二項技能?
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