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Everything posted by MrAdam

  1. You are correct when it comes to Arabic, there is only one written form of it, and it is understood by all Arabic-speaking audiences, so there is no need to have specializations for each country, in fact, the players will expect one Arabic language option to be available, more is just confusing for the players and makes translation way harder since other specializations are not standard Arabic, just local dialect used in day to day life in that country, and it is not expected to be fully understood by other people outside that country, but on the other hand, standard Arabic is used in official matters, and when understood, it is understood the same way by all of the people that know how to read it. So this basically explains the 0% in translation in those. So feel free to drop these and only keep one Arabic language option. Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq) Arabic (Saudi Arabia) I also took it upon my self to help translate into Arabic a little bit, although i find it hard to translate names of places or people (you'd need someone with a background in ancient history, even googling and matching doesn't yield a correct answer, so it is acceptable to translate those names literally letter by letter.
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