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Everything posted by Xander12

  1. Berenjena lost to xander and did not resign metadata.json commands.txt
  2. 1vs1 quit without resign My name: Xander Opponent: BodosPL commands.txt metadata.json
  3. metadata.jsoncommands.txt 1vs1 quit without resign My name: Xander Opponent: Raffut1969
  4. @user1 Me, Xander played against IdontlikeAugustus I was clearly in the better position, he just left commands.txt
  5. @user1 Me, Xander played against Dihiya. commands.txt Just when I won, he left without resign. Pls adjust rating
  6. @user1 Me, Xander played against Ali70.commands.txt He just earlyquit. not fair
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