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Posts posted by SanctfiedDevil

  1. On Dev branch, Imperial Roman's templates/structures/imp_wall_long & imp_wall_medium error out. Will need changed over to TurretHolder & TurretPoints as previously done for the other civs. 

    ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation error: structures/imp_wall_long:1: Element GarrisonHolder has extra content: VisibleGarrisonPoints

    ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation failed for '(null)'

    ERROR: Failed to validate entity template 'structures/imp_wall_long'



    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Yes this is true. A24 will probably change the GUI in some way to allow for more icons.

    Hopefully so. I ended up editing the priest to give him build rights for the Wonder to work around it. Doesn't make much sense really, but it works for now. 

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  3. May already be known, but it seems as if at least a couple of Civs are unable to reach Empire level due to not being able to construct a Wonder as It doesn't show up in the build menu for citizens. My only guess is the build menu is too full. 

  4. Perfect!

    Just been playing through a match and appears to be a unit promotion issue. 

    ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/brit_infantry_swordsman_e.xml"

    ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/brit_infantry_swordsman_e'

    ERROR: Error in timer on entity 4227, IID98, function TimerHandler: TypeError: template is undefined Promotion.prototype.IncreaseXp@simulation/components/Promotion.js:82:8 Attacking.prototype.HandleAttackEffects@simulation/helpers/Attacking.js:349:3 Attack.prototype.PerformAttack@simulation/components/Attack.js:559:3 UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.COMBAT.ATTACKING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2016:7 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:265:12 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:4115:2 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:139:4


    WIll update to the new branch and try. 

  5. Getting the following error when selecting a military unit. 


    To access the military unit's build menu, I have to first select a worker and then select the unit. Otherwise the build panel does not show. This error prompts regardless of when I select the unit. 


    OK. I confirmed this issue appears to be with the visible garrison settings in the simulation\templates\structures XMLS for walls and towers. I was able to remove it and set it back to Turret Points and the issue cleared up. I'm pretty new to 0 A.D. so I'm still trying to figure out what is controlling visible garrison.  


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