If I posted in the wrong section, or if this is a commonly discussed topic please tell me and link me to the relevant sections / threads.
Over time I've introduced a few friends to 0AD, and one reaction I've invariably got, is that the lag makes the game a bit of a frustrating experience. Every time I play I notice that actions are carried out after a short delay, and especially troop movement gets more and more delayed as the game progresses. I remember reading somewhere that the pathfinding is a performance bottleneck and that it is being improved, but I'm not sure, it could very well be performance issues of my own computer causing the lag. Searching the forum for "lag" returns no results for some reason.
My questions are:
Is this a general issue of the game, experienced by others, or is it me playing on outdated hardware and slowing the game down for everyone in my multiplayer games?
If it is indeed a general issue, what causes it? What is being done to address it?