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Everything posted by nosilver4u

  1. Just to add my two cents as a newcomer (fresh perspective and all that), I just destroyed an AI player with 12 rams. Used nothing else, and finished with 5-6 rams intact. Granted, it was against a "very easy" AI as I'm still getting my feet wet, but I was surprised at the massive damage combined with the AI's inability to destroy the rams. Part of this might have been the civ I was playing against, I captured one of their civic centers and they did not appear to have anything but ranged units available. I'm not sure which one that is, but perhaps they are week on the "hack" units and that made it worse. For context, the AI did control half the map and was about as well developed as it was going to get on that difficulty (I like to let games play out for a while, especially since I'm learning). At any rate, I think lowering the speed would definitely help. It seemed that swordsman could take out rams, but everything else pretty much just fell down in front of them or ran to hide. It also seemed that they dealt quite a bit more damage than I expected (coming from AoE II), but perhaps that's historically more accurate than the damage in AoE.
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